In Search of a Vice. There is no removing personal interest and - TopicsExpress


In Search of a Vice. There is no removing personal interest and sentiments from the driver of our life decisions and actions. Even our religious pursuit is premised on the need to make a blissful heaven where all we need do is praise the Lord 24-7 and have everything else at our beck and call even the seven virgins that some religious believes push us to hope for. It is without gainsaying that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is eminently qualified to lead this country in a Vice Presidential capacity. An eight year Governorship of the economic capital and most populous state of the Federation; a visionary, who reportedly and unarguably, single handedly produced a successor to the Lagos state governorship stool in 2007, one who has performed to the admiration of the world; a shrewd, quick thinking negotiator, assembler and movers of leadership thoughts resulting in the amalgamation of a hitherto then, featherweight political organisations to a formidable and threatening political titan; An undisputable leader of the Yoruba to a position of political repute and recognition in the affairs of Nigeria and the world. Of course it is unreasonable to expect that such a man will be enemies-less in view of all his political battles and gathering of skulls, so the opposition and the natural tendencies to attempt to stick a stigma or two on his person for various, often a times selfish reasons, must be an expected price to pay by this golden fish our murky political pool. But as we live in a world of averages, it is safe to position that Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu is way above average in political activism. Nonetheless, the leadership position that Asiwaju Tinubu has coveted for himself or one that nature has bestowed upon him, requires some sacrifices that may even be very painful to personal goal and aspirations but one that is needful for the collective interest of the whole. Yes the Yoruba, as the initiator, one of the architects and driver of this political dinosaur threatening to devour a political outfit that is spent and gone past it sell-by date, deserves the Presidency of Nigeria, but out of our dated, proven, God given sense of fairness, equity and justice even where we are so obviously disadvantaged, we conceded the Presidency to the North based on the unwritten constitution of zoning and rotational Presidency as an instrument of giving sense of belonging and relevance to all component parts of this country within human limitations. I would like to submit, even against my own selfish national interest, that the Yoruba still need to be driven by the same sense of sacrifice to let go of the Vice Presidential ticket on the following grounds. Life is a gamble but one must be very calculative in risk taking. Within this realisation, conceding the Vice Presidency to the South Eastern bloc should further cement the realisation of the much desired people oriented governance of this country at the federal level by the progressive APC. With the “whole” North in the kitty, with the “whole” South East purchased by the VP slot and the “whole” of South west voting for the alliance, victory, in my humble submission, is guaranteed. Of course there is the Speakership of the House of Representatives to be contested for by South south and the middle belt regions. Now of course the Yoruba cannot be seen to be an “outright loser” in the political leadership of Nigeria come 2015. The headship of the upper legislative arm of governance is sufficient a reward for our hard work in midwifing and nursing to maturity an electable APC. This will make us very relevant in fine-tuning the administration of our beloved country to its deserved position in world affairs. And who else is better qualified than Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu to RETURN to the Senate to preside over the legislative arm of this country. This to my humble mind is a win, win situation for all as it assuages the fears of the anti Tinubu elements; is a concession to us, the pro-Tinubus and an icing on the cake by bringing in our Igbo brothers and sisters into the progressive winning calculus.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:47:55 +0000

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