‘In The Beginning’ Prologue Beginnings and Endings. - TopicsExpress


‘In The Beginning’ Prologue Beginnings and Endings. Endings and Beginnings. And in between perhaps infinity and eternity. In his plans God had thought through much of what would take place within the realms which would come to be known as the Realms of Infinity and the Realms of Eternity. But prior to their advent, would come his own special home – his private and personal domain – a place he would share only with the 3 firstborn of all the Children of God – Metatron, Logos and Memra. And that private special dwelling place would simply be called ‘Home’. And then the children of God and the very first of the four Realms – the Realm of Heaven. God planned 70 children. 70 only who would be his firstborn children – no more – no less. The 70 children he had in mind were 35 boys and 35 girls. They would have a destiny, of course, but they would not have a destiny. His own children would decide, after they had learned their life lessons, their future and fate for themselves. The rest of his offspring, he would never grant that right in full. He would never allow his other children to be lost to him through their own choices – he simply would not allow that. That decision had become immutable in his mind – eternally unchangeable. But his own children, them he would teach and allow – in the fullness of time – the right and ability to craft their own destiny. That much he would allow those who had been last in planning, but were to be first in origin. And so would come ‘Home’, followed by the four Realms of ‘Heaven, Infinity, Eternity and Paradise’. And thus God took to the work of the eternal – the work of life and love. HOME 0 HY ‘You are Metatron, my Firstborn child. And I love you.’ Metatron nodded, having just been animated to life by the eternal spirit of God. He rose up from were he was laying and looked around. There were structures, which God shortly told him were buildings. One main farmhouse, were they would live. A barn out the back, were cows gave milk. And a shed over to the side were chickens gave eggs. And then fields for a few hundred metres filled with crops before disappearing into an eternal void – that void a cascade of wavering lights, almost like an eternal aurora. ‘Where are we?’ he asked, with the intuitive voice given to him. ‘We are Home,’ replied God. For a year they ate, drank and slept. And God introduced Metatron to chess, which they played avidly. He liked beer, did Metatron. He liked it a lot, and got drunk often, much to God his Father’s annoyance. But God relented, acknowledging that in the end such stuff had been created for that purpose. And then came Logos and Memra shortly afterwards. And Metatron had a family. And then later, in discussion, ‘Yes, there will be 70 of them. No, we will not meet them. Not initially. But you can watch them through the portal I will place in the living room. But it is only the beginning, children. Only the beginning.’ Heaven 1990 HY ‘Lucy.’ ‘Yes Enrique.’ ‘Do you love me, Lucy? Do you love me?’ Lucy, child of God, sitting in her abode in Azaphon, the Diamond city, considered her brother Enrique’s question. Enrique was, in a sense, Lucy’s personal brother. A brother in rank of birth the same number as Lucy in order, that being the 35th and last of the children of heaven. In overall order of birth amongst God’s 70 children, Enrique was 65th and herself Lucy was last of all, 70th. Of course, she loved him dearly, and told him that often, as she did all her brethren. Yet, in listening carefully and sensitively to Enrique’s question, Lucy sensed something in the tone, in the intent of the question that searched for an answer unlike the standard ‘of course I love you.’ She looked straight at him. ‘You are a dork, Enrique. Don’t be so dramatic. Just like dreamlord Daniel – always so dramatic.’ ‘Come now, sister. I am far from the likes of Dream. A most obsessive personality, that one. Yet he, like us all, does have his charms.’ ‘Yes, he does at that. I feel it in the dreams he sends me each night. In the subtleties of love and friendship he graces me with from my dream brethren and, of course, those other faces we all know so well now – yet who do not, seemingly, exist. Tell me, Enrique, do you share the common view? That these people we see are other brethren? Others which God does not share with us? From another realm? Another place? Another dreaming world of love?’ ‘Who knows, Lucy. Who knows. I see them in my dreams, like you do. Some faces familiar now. As if I had known them, yet never met them of course.’ ‘Perhaps they are people yet to be, brother. Perhaps they are people yet to be.’ ‘Or maybe products of Dreams overly fertile imagination.’ ‘Yes, it could be that Enrique. It could just be that.’ Enrique, lying on the end of Lucy’s bed, playing with a small paper umbrella, looked at his sister, who was at the front of her large grand bed, reading one of the texts Adam, firstborn, had written. ‘Tell me, Lucy. Have you yet decided on the role you desire? The choice of life calling that Father has beckoned each of us to choose and pursue. I have, I think, settled on the dramatic qualities in life. Singing and writing song. And also dramatic deeds. The role of the ‘entertainer’ seems, for me, a role most entertaining and worth pursuing.’ Lucy, twirling her raven black hair between her fingers, closed the text Adam had written and thought on her response to her brother. Father, God, had given each of them a list of 70 roles. 70 key roles which, so he claimed, would shape their eternal lives. Yet he had left it to each child to pick and choose the role they desired for themselves. Adam had chosen author. To write books, perhaps neverendingly so, on all sorts of strange and delightful events and happenings. Daniel had chosen the role of dreamlord. Another role, one both Daniel and Lucy had considered but had finally left to another sister, was that of ‘Death’. Death dressed in black, and wore dark mascara. The roles purpose, so God had said, was to bring final and ultimate resolution to things. Yet, one day, in ways which, so he said, would shock all the children of heaven. Lucy, after much consideration, had finally chosen the role of ‘Witch’ in which to satisfy her life’s passions. The ‘Witch’ role, seemingly, had so much promise and potential. God’s promise that he would allow the role of witch to engage in what he called ‘magic’ – the manipulation of spiritual energy for various affects – seemed so enticing, ultimately, to Lucy that she simply could not forego the role. As strange as it may seem, it seemed her life calling. ‘I will be the wicked witch of Azaphon, dear brother. Best beware my might and power.’ Enrique laughed at Lucy’s joke. ‘So the witch role. I had thought that Jezebel or Delilah, as befits their nature, may have chosen such a role. Have you already claimed it from Father.’ ‘Yes. Two months ago.’ ‘Two months? So long. And you had not told me yet?’ ‘Don’t sound to disappointed, brother. I haven’t told anyone else. It has taken me all year to finally choose the role, and I was not sure if it would be taken or not. But fortunately I am the lucky one. So do not be surprised if it takes me a while to likewise share this news.’ ‘Most unlike you, sis. You are usually forthright and quick to share things. You have been all your life.’ Lucy placed the text of her brother Adam on the drawers beside her bed, and picked up the apple she had been eating and gave it a bite. Chewing on it, she thought on her response to her brother. ‘Yeah. I guess that is true, Rique. But I want to, in a strange way, bring an aura of mystery to the witch role. Something like the ‘death’ role in its possibilities, yet something different as well. It was why I waited to share the news’ ‘The witch seems like Samael’s Devil, perhaps?’ suggested Enrique. Lucy thought on that comment and saw the connection. The Devil role her brother Samael, secondborn of the children of heaven, had taken seemed perhaps, like the role of ‘Death’ and ‘The Witch’, linked to the mysterious, the unknown. To those things hidden and away from them. Almost, as it were, draped in darkness. ‘Yes, I think so Enrique. Yes, I do think so indeed. Similar textures. Similar roles which each have much promise.’ ‘I think, sister. Like the entertainer, my own role, each will entertain us for many years to come. Perhaps eternally so.’ Lucy looked at him, and slowly nodded. ‘Yes, perhaps, dear brother. Perhaps.’ * * * * * Michael, third-born of the children of heaven sat with Jesus eleventh-born of the males and 21st in rank of all the children. They had finally chosen their roles. Michael had chosen the role of ‘Archangel’. It was a role of spiritual ministry, responsible for nurturing and encouraging his brethren. Being dressed with wings, dressed in bright white, and wearing a garland called a ‘halo’ around the head. Jesus had chosen the role of ‘preacher’. His responsibility was to take the lessons of life which their eternal father had taught them, also lessons from the ‘Author’ role found in Adam, and the yet unclaimed ‘Scholar’ role. Each child of God seemed pleased and happy with the role they had chosen. And in that happiness they sat in Jesus abode in Azaphon, dreaming up destinies for themselves. ‘Of course, Michael, the destiny role, for whoever finally chooses it, may decide everything for us. We may make our plans and choose our fates, yet I think destiny will ultimately have its say.’ Michael nodded, understanding the truth Jesus expounded to himself. ‘Well, perhaps we should make close friends with whoever finally chooses the destiny role.’ ‘Yes, that would be wise Michael. Perhaps indeed we should. * * * * * Eve, firstborn of the females of heaven, eleventh in overall ranking, finally settled on her choice. In the end, it seemed, there could be no other role than that of ‘Destiny’ for the firstborn female child of God to partake of. If Adam thought things up and wrote about them – if he created new ideas – if he conjured up in the imaginations of the heart new fantasies to entertain the children of heaven, then Eve would choose the role in reality which could shape the lives of her brethren, perhaps inspired by those very tales of Adam, the Author, to take their lives and make, in a way, a living story for them. A destiny, a saga, a fate, which would give life, love and other mysteries to the souls of the eternal children of heaven. * * * * * ‘Come Elf, let us hunt.’ The proud ‘Warrior’ Paul, fifth-born of the Children of Heaven spoke to Christie the ‘Elf’, eighteenth-born of the Children of Heaven. Christie had chosen the role of the ‘Elf’, whereas Paul had chosen the role of the ‘Warrior’. And, presently, both of them were hunting Saul the ‘Mercenary’ and Tammy the ‘Gypsy’, in a game the four of them had devised – a merry chase around the Realm to see who could first tag the others without being seen and thus claim victory. The Realm of Heaven was alike the very first of the Realms of God, ‘Home’, were Metatron, Logos and Memra resided, in many ways – yet altogether a much greater and grander enlargement of ‘home’ to house not just the 3 divine ones, yet the 70 children of Heaven. The Realm of Heaven was located directly below ‘Home’, many cubits downwards. It was spread out on a grassy plain, with various hills and ponds, the main towers and buildings in the centre of the Realm. Around the ‘Rim’ of the Realm ran a solid stone wall which the Father had put in place with the creation of the Realm. In the centre were around 20 to 30 main buildings of various types which suited the purposes of the Children of Heaven – both for living, food, cleanliness and entertainment. Right in the centre of the Realm stood the ‘Tower of God’, a tower of many cubits high, watching, as it were, over the Realm and the affairs of God’s children. The Tower was a solid stone brick pinnacle, which the children climbed from time to time to gain the view from its uppermost tower. Presently Paul the Warrior and Christie the Elf were descending that tower, having counted to the mandatory 1,000 before being allowed to chase down their adversaries in the game of ‘Tag’ they had invented. ‘Were fore art thou, proud mercenary – were fore art thou?’ Paul the warrior spoke, carefully and quietly, with Christie in tow, coming to the corner of a building and peering cautiously around it to see if they could spot their foe. ‘Dare I say it,’ began Christie the elf cautiously, attired in green, with a pointed red and green cap with a small bell attached at its end. ‘Dare I say it, brave warrior, but they won’t be stupid enough to hide in plain sight.’ Paul considered those words, carefully, but not to carefully, as befitted one of the less intellectual of the children of heaven. ‘Why speaketh as such? Saul our Mercenary opponent is infamous for his stupidity in bravery. As we all know he comes forth, knowing no fear, confronting all who would oppose him. Hast thou not forgotten our recent celebration when he was courting his fair twin Tammy and, in the process of attempting to present her gift, he cometh down the curtain from aside our grand hall’s top entrance only to have his slacks catch on the curtain hooks and tumble down before her butt naked. Nay, I tell you. He is not one to be feared, our mercenary opponent. He is a silly duffer, obvious to all.’ Christie the elf grinned, fondly remembering the said adventure, and Saul’s gross embarrassment at having his privates paraded in front of the whole clan. ‘Yet, dare I say it brave warrior,’ began Christie in response,’ that our foolhardy mercenary foe has, perchance, learned from his mistakes and will not so be easily caught again.’ ‘Bah. The man’s a fool. He will be in plain sight, bravely yet foolishly challenging all who would oppose him.’ Paul peered again around the corner, spying nobody present, and signalled for Christie to follow him cautiously. ‘Lead on brave fool,’ said Christie lovingly, yet slightly mockingly. * * * * * ‘Deborah, Deborah, Deborah. Poor, poor Deborah. Our poor dear dinosaur. I full well know you have always questioned Father’s eternal wisdom in the granting of your substantial girth, but feel not ashamed at my, dare I say it, brilliant painting of such a beautiful dinosaur.’ Deborah, the largest of the children of heaven, looked at the painting her older brother Samael, the Devil, had painted, of a rather fierce looking lizard-like creature of rather gross proportions. Her twin brother Matthew, the new artist, gazed at Samael’s painting of Deborah the Dinosaur, and crossing the art-room, picked up a canvas he had likewise painted of Deborah the Dinosaur, however being a lovely picture of Deborah herself, with the subtitle of ‘Deborah the Dinosaur’ on the bottom rung of its frame. Deborah finally, after due embarrassment at Samael’s picture, bravely spoke of Matthew’s. ‘It appears, Devil, that my dear artist brother Matthew is far more the gentleman and has portrayed myself in a far grander glory, as doth befit a child of heaven.’ Samael looked carefully at Matthews’s latest masterpiece of his twin sister, yet persisted in praising his own. ‘But, can you not see dear sister, what such large teeth you have,’ he said pointing to the dinosaur’s teeth. ‘Why, they are certainly ample to chew all that lovely food you consume at mealtime.’ Deborah blushed, embarrassed. ‘Oh, you are sweet,’ chided Matthew at his older brother. ‘What can I say, dear artist of grandeur – the devil befits me in every perfect way imaginable. It is the role I was born for, and I delight in it.’ ‘That’s the truth,’ said Deborah, the subtlest of grudges in her voice apparent. ‘Oh, dear sister. Fret not. Matthew loves you after all. Fret not – dear sister.’ ‘Shaddup,’ said Deborah, annoyed at his sarcasm. ‘Oh, dear sister,’ chided Samael the Devil once more. * * * * * Adam sat contemplating the roles his brothers and sisters had now all chosen. In the last few days there had been a rush to choose the final roles available, and now all 70 had been chosen. The choices for everyone were: 1) Adam – the Author 2) Eve – Destiny 3) Samael – the Devil 4) Aphrayel – Death 5) Michael – the Archangel 6) Elenniel – the Sculptor 7) Seth – the Chef 8) Adah - Fate 9) Noah – the Builder 10) Titea – the Mistress 11) Abraham – God 12) Sarah – the Princess 13) Isaac – the Lawyer 14) Rebecca – the Saint 15) Ishmael – the Wildman 16) Naamah – the Virtuous 17) Jacob – the Trickster 18) Rachel – the Maiden 19) Joseph – the Deputy 20) Asenath – the Model 21) Moses – the Lawgiver 22) Zipporah – the Collector 23) Aaron – the Priest 24) Natalie – the Scholar 25) Joshua – the Adventurer 26) Jenny – the Tailor 27) Barak – the Barbarian 28) Bragenta – the Ballerina 29) Samson – the Titan 30) Delilah – the Seductress 31) Boaz – the Librarian 32) Ruth – the Servant 33) Samuel – the Elder 34) Sophia – the Philosopher 35) Saul – the Mercenary 36) Tammy – the Gypsy 37) David – the King 38) Bathsheba – the Queen 39) Isaiah – the Prophet 40) Zelophadel – the Oracle 41) Harry – The Wizard 42) Hermione – The Spellcaster 43) Ron – The Bowler 44) Elizabeth – The Baker 45) Daniel – the Dream lord 46) Ariel – the Lioness 47) Ezekiel – the Cunning 48) Esther – the Enchantress 49) Malachi – the Magnificent 50) Melanie – the Wise 51) Jesus – the Preacher 52) Mary – Gaia 53) Matthew – the Artist 54) Deborah – the Dinosaur 55) Gabriel – The Fireman 56) Magenta – the Muse 57) Peter – the Rock 58) Fiona – the Harlequinn 59) Andrew – The Athlete 60) Andra – The Singer 61) Paul – the Warrior 62) Christie – the Elf 63) John – the Seer of Visions 64) Joanne – the Comedian 65) James – War 66) Janie - Chaos 67) Callodyn – The Extraordinary 68) Mandy – The Musician 69) Enrique – the Entertainer 70) Lucy – the Witch * * * * * In the still of night, a dream came to Eve, Destiny herself. A dream of hope – a dream of inspiration – a dream of life. In this dream, not unfamiliar to those encountered by others of her brothers and sisters, Eve met with the OTHER children of God. Other children who yet were not – perhaps in idea they existed – yet begotten from God they seemed not to be. And upon waking, Eve conceived a plan – a plan to speak with God about bringing forth other children, alike those born in her dreams. And she had a name for them – ‘Angels’. They were to be special children of God – born with wings, as she had seen in her dreams. And she would ask her eternal father to bring them forth. To bring forth the new life of the children of God. * * * * * Eve stood in the centre of the new realm. The new realm which her eternal father had created, to be known as the ‘Realm of Infinity’. Logos had been instrumental in the creation of this realm – a realm created further down below than the just created Platinum city of ‘Kalon’ which was to be Logos private domain. When God had agreed to Eve’s request to bring forth the Angelic host, he had placed Logos in charge of the project, and had brought into being Logos’ primary seat of operations for the creation of the new realm, ‘Kalon’ the Platinum city. And now, just brought into being that very night before, she stood upon the new realm of Infinity, right in the centre, were was to be built ‘Azaphon’ the Golden city. * * * * * ‘Phanuel. That is a nice name,’ began Lucy. Enrique looked at her, slightly amused. ‘Another one, huh?’ ‘Well I have to compete with the Author and Destiny some way. They have named so many of the future children anyway.’ Enrique thought on the name Phanuel and, in the end, decided he liked that new name also. ‘And what rank of birth shall he be amongst the eternal children?’ ‘Sixth. He shall be sixth. Sixth-born of the Seraphim of Infinity, the fourth group of seven Angels.’ Enrique nodded, taking in that news. Lucy looked at him sternly. ‘Don’t you think you should contribute a name or two dear brother?’ Enrique took a sip of juice from his glass before responding. ‘Oh, so many of them have been named already, and there are only meant to be 70. So not now. I know that eventually that number is meant to increase, so maybe then. But I don’t think I will worry about it for now. Let you and Destiny have your fun.’ ‘Fair enough,’ said Eve, going back to her naming game. * * * * * ‘Yes, lord of evil. I will serve you.’ The grand devil, up on the stage with the father of eternity watching on, spoke his next line in the play in response to his sister’s deaths words. ‘Then we shall go forth and conquer.’ The play in which all the 70 children of heaven performing in their roles for their heavenly father progressed for the next 3 hours. God was recording the play so they would all see it on the screen later on. The play involved the Devil and Death forming an agreement to destroy all the children of heaven. Abraham as God would oppose them and sent in the Preacher Jesus to preach holiness. The devil then attempted to tempt all the children of heaven and lead them astray. Eventually goodness triumphed in the play and the devil had to repent of all his sins and evil, much to everyone’s delight. It was a grand and great play and all the children of heaven watched intently later on that night their performance. * * * * * Samael, the Devil, contemplated his role. The play they had recently been involved in to try out their roles had been, in truth, inspiring. When he had watched it on the ‘Screen’, he had been amazed out how each of the children had shone in their roles. Each of them had impressed him, remarkably so. It would be a play he would watch again and again as the years passed by. Yet, now that he was fully aware from father that such roles were to play a key part in the eternal destiny of life before them, Samael contemplated the possibilities in such a role. After the play, with Father’s announcement of the future realms, Samael had begun contemplating the influence he could bring amongst the future children of Paradise, Infinity and Eternity. And, finally, in the time of manifestation, such influence he could bring amongst the children of mankind. The possibilities, seemingly, were endless. * * * * * Unfortunately what had only been fantasy became somewhat of reality. Samael, as he had begun with Deborah, continued on his merry way of causing havoc for the children of heaven. And then one grand day Abraham announced the news to the children that father had planned another realm. A realm in which many ‘Angels’ would come to be born. The Realm of Infinity. And when Abraham overheard Samael speaking of the delight he could have in leading angels astray, Abraham knew the role of the devil had gone to Samael’s head. And so sitting quietly, talking with Michael the Archangel and Jesus the preacher, the planned. The planned something special and arranging it with Destiny and the Author, they presented the ‘Contract’ to Samael. * * * * * Naturally he had signed. It presented him with opportunities, great opportunities, and how bad could it be if he lost anyway. The contract with the children of heaven had been this: Lucy the witch was the key to the contract. In the plans of Destiny for the future realms, one key Angel, the dread Saruviel, would have to be dealt with in a particular way. And on the day in which Lucy chose the fate for Saruviel, that fate would determine Samael’s own fate. And Samael, honestly, felt he could not lose. For if Lucy chose to vanquish Saruviel, Samael would win. And if Lucy chose to succumb to Saruviel and the darkness, again Samael would win. But there was one choice the children of heaven had said that, if Lucy made this choice, this strange and mysterious choice, then Samael would serve the children of heaven instead for the one billion years in repentance and servitude. Hell, he had to take the risk, and so he did. And looking forward to the newly anticipated ‘Realm of Infinity’ Samael, the Devil, the child of heaven, made his plans. Epilogue At Home God sat out in a field, staring at the neverending aurora display at the edge of Home. It never ceased to fascinate him, the eternal display he had set up. God thought, then, of Samael. He thought on this particular child of his and grinned slightly. Samael would certainly have his say. And, inevitably, Destiny would lead them onwards. The Author would chronicle out the events as best he could until, on that fateful day, the witch herself would choose. And then new life beckoned for all the children of destiny. THE END noahidebooks.angelfire
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 14:28:04 +0000

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