In Zimbabwe, there is a widely held perception that insane people - TopicsExpress


In Zimbabwe, there is a widely held perception that insane people are possessed by spirits. Indeed, Africans will do anything to distance themselves from mentally ill people. Mentally ill people are looked at with disgust and shame. Here is how I see it: If it is true that a mentally ill person is possessed by a Spirit, does it not serve us to understand what that Spirit is trying to impart to us? Is there be a possibility that the Spirit could be that of a departed ancestor or a special person who is trying to tell us something? It is our own lunacy that makes us treat ill patients cruelly. Studies recently carried out by Scientist in the West suggest that INSANITY IS LINKED TO high INTELLIGENCE: According to a new study, the same gene that makes you smarter also makes you more likely to go crazy. If we are to look at this issue from these two angles, we shall be compelled to do our best to unpack the thoughts and visions of these people. You never know, you might discover a gem in their madness. A story is told of a man whom some regarded as mentally unstable but to his King by the (Grace of God) this man was a very enlightened Spirit. You can learn a lot from a mental asylum, the very reason why the West invested a lot of effort in studying mentally ill patients. Eureka! Eureka! These words sound crazy, crazy enough if they are emanating from the mouth of a naked elderly gentleman who upon discovering the concept of Buoyancy, hopped out of the bath and ran onto the streets naked shouting Eureka! Eureka! Archimedess tale takes place some 2,200 years ago when King Hieron II of Syracuse in Sicily gave a jeweller a bar of gold and ordered him to make it into a crown. The king, however, suspected that the jeweller had substituted some of the gold for cheaper metal like silver, while pocketing the leftover gold. The king had no way of proving his suspicions, so he asked Archimedes – a Greek mathematician, engineer, inventor, and astronomer – to find a definitive answer. Archimedes had spent a long time trying to figure out the answer, which came to him when he noticed how water would splash out of his bath tub the moment he stepped into it, and the more he stepped into the tub, even more water got displaced. At the time, Archimedes had known that gold was denser than silver, so if a certain weight of silver had been substituted for the same weight of gold, the crown would occupy a larger space than an identical one of pure gold. So to find the crown’s volume, all Archimedes had to do was essentially immerse the crown and exact measurement of pure gold in a tub filled with water to the brim, measure the spillage, and compare the volume of spillages – if the jeweller had indeed made a crown of pure gold the volume should be the same. Archimedes was said to be so thrilled with this extraordinary discovery that he immediately hopped out of the bath and ran onto the streets NAKED shouting Eureka! Eureka! Every case must be judged by its merit
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 19:26:04 +0000

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