In a couple hours it will be my 7 year anniversary with my Kayla. - TopicsExpress


In a couple hours it will be my 7 year anniversary with my Kayla. We have no big plans today, no grand gestures. We’re pretty busy and will probably have to save most of the celebrating for this weekend when we finally get married! tomorrow will be fairly normal, except that I’ll be thinking about you, and us, and 7 years of a happy and exciting relationship. To say we’ve been happy is an understatement at best. But we discuss that all the time. I do want to express a few things to you today that we don’t always get to talk about, but I want to avoid some of the overused sentiments that I see on cards and in movies. I hope everyone stuck reading will understand lol I knew from the get-go that we were going the distance and I have always had an assurance of that. Seven years? We’re just getting started! There are roughly 7 billion humans on the earth but I can’t imagine being anywhere near as happy being with someone else. I don’t wonder about life with anyone else. I just spend my time wondering about what I can do to make ours better. Just being gone a couple days from you drives me nuts. There were a million times in those days when I wanted to tell you something or ask you something or get help from you or offer help to you. I had funny things to say and I’d laugh and say them to myself and imagine you rolling your eyes and trying not to laugh and encourage me. Weve spent so much time together I honestly can’t remember my life without you. I can remember life events from before I knew you, of course. But I can’t remember what it feels like not to be yours. Every memory I have contains at least hints of you in the periphery, even though I didn’t know you way back then. There were a lot of choices I made when I was young that were intended to benefit you, even though you didn’t exist to me then. But you did. You were always there. We’ve been through so much together but this sentence never actually does justice to what a couple has actually lived through. Way too much to list here of course but many times relying on the Lord to allow us the experience that would best bless us. We’ve lived through night-shifts, finals weeks, lost engagement rings, sleepless nights, demanding callings, financial strain and financial ease, differing opinions. “So much” doesn’t begin to describe it. And the “so much” that we’ve lived through doesn’t begin to describe what is coming. We’ll be sick. We’ll have more financial worries. We’ll have flooded basements. We’ll have flat tires. We’ll worry about our children and their children and their children. Death will make an entry at some point. We’ll lose, well win, well love and well hate but we will do it all together just like we always have and just like we will. There is so much I could say, so many things to be thankful for, so many memories, but what matters most on this day is that i thank you for being who you are. The seven years ago you, the current you, the future you, and the eternal you. The eternal us. and Im extremely grateful that you came through my haunted house 7 years ago on October 21st and caught me out back with my mask off so that we could have that final chat that led us to where we are now, I love you bunches polkadot happy early anniversary:)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 03:00:19 +0000

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