In a new letter to British PM Mr David Cameron, Kurdish writer - TopicsExpress


In a new letter to British PM Mr David Cameron, Kurdish writer Kamal Mirawdeli calls for immediate peace and political solution of the Syrian civil war and warns the British PM of the risks of genocide facing Christians, Kurds, Alawites and other minorities and enslavement of women resulting of the West’s support for the Saudi-Turkish project of Jihadist terrorism in Syria. His Excellency David Cameron, the Prime Minister 10 Downing Street City of Westminster SW1A 2AA 20th August 2013 Dear Prime Minister, Kurdish People in Syria It is with great sadness, despair and disappointment I am writing to your Excellency again: Deep despair resulting from deeper scepticism about our humanity, especially that of politicians like your Excellency and your Cabinet who hold power and are able NOW to do something to leave some positive signs of their humanity long beyond their inevitable departure from the barbaric world they would have contributed to its making. But unfortunately it seems that the opposite will be the norm. If you pursue your present course, you will leave a history of cruelty, shame and absolute immorality. Actually, I have nothing to add to the arguments and facts of the previous letter apart from the depressing realization that all the fears I expressed then, unfortunately and sadly have come true and the answers I received from your Lydia Strachan at Eastern and Mediterranean Team (dated 28th march) was too general, pro-Turkish and elusive to mean anything. Al-Nusra and fanatic Islamic Jihadists That is what I said about al-Nusra and Jihadists in my previous letter (of 8th February 2013) appealing to your Excellency to recognise them as Terrorists, stop calling for arming the murderers, and prevent your Nato ally Turkey from arming, supporting and transferring new murderous Jihadists to bolster their ranks. [[Al-Nusra along with many other Jihadist groups sponsored by the Saudis, Qatar an Turkey, are certainly blood-thirsty murderous extremist groups responsible for most suicide bombings, killing of civilians, looting and destruction in Syria and promoting even more destructive and murderous responses by the Assad regime. There is real danger that Syria will become another Somalia or Mali where murderous al-Qaida jihadist will indulge in destruction and indoctrination. Syrian non-Sunni constituents Christians, Kurds including Yazidis, and Alawites would be really in danger unless there would be orderly controlled transition of power. This will have unpredictable long-term tragic consequences for the whole region and the West.]] I also wrote: “And now with your actions and support for the murderous gangs of al-Nusra and others, what do you really wish to achieve, as Mr Paddy Ashdown may have wanted to know? What have you learnt from the destruction of a nation and civilization in Iraq? What is the point of politics, economic gain, and diplomacy if they are conducted in such horridly immoral inhuman ways? How can humanity as a whole survive without minimum standards of universal morality, honesty, truth and justice? There is at least one group of human beings whose very smiles, tears and pains should erase any shades of discriminative prejudice or selfishness in our minds: Children. How can any human soul fail to feel that with the death of any innocent child a part of our humanity and human soul dies? Do you wish that your children were born and living in Iraq. Libya, Syria and Kurdistan?” The situation NOW THE following is what the Times today (19 August 2013) reports, the same newspaper which has been shamelessly calling for the arming of the so-called opposition groups and deepening and accelerating the genocide of the Syrian people and Civilization: Syria is now the world’s foremost terrorist training ground, with as many as 10,000 foreigners fighting to overthrow President Assad, US intelligence sources say. Up to 150 Britons are among the European contingent. “A few hundred, mostly Sunni, Europeans, have travelled to reach the fight,” a US official said. Syria has replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia as the favoured training ground for jihadists and terrorists, counter-terrorism experts acknowledged. The presence of so many jihadists in Syria, some of them combat-proven militants from Iraq and Chechnya, poses the biggest challenge for the US and other countries who have decided to arm the opposition forces. Keeping tabs on the flow of foreign fighters entering Syria across the Turkish border has been a challenge for Western intelligence agencies operating close to the Syrian frontier. “Hard and fast figures are difficult to come by, but it lies between a few thousand foreigners and a ceiling of around 10,000,” a US source said.The increase in foreign fighters in Syria is causing alarm among Western intelligence services because they fear that European jihadists will return to their own countries and plot terrorist strikes. “Syria has become the predominant jihadist battlefield in the world,” Matthew Olsen, director of the US National Counter-Terrorism Centre, has said. “There are individuals travelling to Syria, becoming further radicalised, becoming trained and returning as part of a global jihadist movement to Western Europe and, potentially, to the United States,” he said. The foreigners are being recruited through Facebook, Twitter feeds, jihadist websites and a network of fundraisers. Many of the volunteer fighters infiltrate Syria from Turkey, where most of the border crossings are under the control of rebel groups. “There are underground networks in Turkish towns on the border with Aleppo and Raqqah,” said Charles Lister, an analyst at IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre. “It appears to be pretty simple to get in.” When they arrive in Syria, they are deployed into three groups: • The Al-Nusra Front, or Jabhat al-Nusra, the main jihadist unit, allied to al-Qaeda, and headed by Abu Mohammad al-Golani, a Syrian. A large proportion of al-Nusra is believed to be Syrian. • Jaysh al-Muhajirin wal Ansar, a multinational group of Islamist militants created under the leadership of Abu Omar al-Chechen, a Chechen who fought against the Russian army in Chechnya. This group is almost exclusively non-Syrian. “The bulk of this foreign cadre is made up of Iraqis, Saudis, Libyans, Moroccans, Tunisians and various European nationals,” the US sources said. The group was responsible for the seizure last week of the Minnagh air base, north of Aleppo. • The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), an Al-Qaeda-linked group led by Ibrahim al-Badri, also known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, with a strong presence in northern Syria. It is attracting a growing number of foreign fighters. The ISIL is playing a leading role in an offensive in the Latakia Province in north-west Syria, home to Syria’s Alawite community, which forms the backbone of the Assad regime. The rebels are said to be closing in on Qordaha, Mr Assad’s home town. A small Lebanese Sunni group fought in the area of Qusayr, a rebel-held town near the border with Lebanon, which fell to the Assad regime in June after a 17-day assault spearheaded by Hezbollah. The fall of Qusayr and Hezbollah’s involvement in the war has stirred calls of revenge among Sunnis. In June, Sunni clerics issued a call for jihad in Syria against the Assad regime and its Shia allies from Iran and Lebanon. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a prominent Egyptian cleric, called on all able-bodied Muslims to go to fight in Syria.]] {End of quote from Times report, 19/8/2013]. So what is happening in Syria? This report by the Times proves: 1. Al-Nusra and other Jihadists are al-Qaida affiliated groups and they have already declared themselves as such 2. They go to Syria from all parts of the world via Turkey. “Many of the volunteer fighters infiltrate Syria from Turkey.” “Keeping tabs on the flow of foreign fighters entering Syria across the Turkish border has been a challenge..” 3. The West, as the Times report shows, is not slightly concerned about the atrocities and crimes they commit in Syria but with what might be a future danger posed to the West by radicalised individuals who might survive and return to Western countries as more radicalized terrorists. Crime of deliberate pre-meditated genocide What the West and Turkey have been and are doing in Syria is: 1. Deliberate pre-meditated planned, sponsored and sustained process of genocide 2. It is trampling upon International Law, rule of law, human conscience and compassion and all human values. Al-Nusra started their first terrorist act by 18 July 2012 Damascus bombing of the National Security headquarters in Rawda Square, Damascus, This was an operation similar to the IRA terrorist operation on 12 October 1984 at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, But you hailed this as a legitimate act of regime-change as you have also legitimized hundreds of other criminal terrorist acts including acts of genocide which have been continuing until this moment. 3. By insisting on sending murders, arms, ammunition, finance to Jihadists through Turkey, the West has criminally pursued M.A.D policy against Syrian people. That is Mutually-Assured-Destruction of the different fighting factions. 4. Liberation in the context of Syria means liberating a country turned into a desert without people, civilization, cities governed by the rule of jungle practised by Jihadists. Can you look at these photos and still be complacent about your humanity? 5. Barbaric cruelty is embodied in the destruction of children and families uprooted from their homes, neighbourhoods, cities and country. Can you accept what has been happening in Syria for two years, if it happened in any British town even for two hours? Why do you think your children are more worthy of peaceful life and happiness than Syrian children? Why do you think that the seeds of evil you have been nurturing in Syria, will not one day be transplanted in British cities and towns? For me all born human beings until the age of 11 have only one name: children and they have right to life, peace, happiness and opportunities to grow in peaceful supporting environments. Why do you deny this to Syrian and Kurdish children and conspire to destroy them? 6. Absolute immorality by supporting and sponsoring al-Qaida groups in the name of whose fighting Britain and the US have sacrificed the lives of so many brave soldiers and tens of thousands of innocent Afghani people.. How can anyone with minimum rationality and morality descended to such level of immorality as to shamelessly support al-Qaida affiliated groups to indulge in the killing of Kurds, Christians and Alawais in Syria? The following link shows evidence of Turkey’s support for al-Qaida groups peaceinkurdistancampaign.wordpress/2013/07/18/full-support-from-turkey-to-al-qaeda The Kurds in Syria In my letter of 8th February 2012, I gave a brief account of the situation of Kurds in Syria. I wrote: “Now the Kurds in Western Kurdistan (Syria) have liberated their areas, protected civilian population Kurds, Alawites, Christians, Sunni Arabs from both the regime’s brutality and murderous jihadist gangs. They have established impressive order and civil administration. They have established local councils, developed local police and security forces giving the biggest role in all this to girls and women. Yet, succumbing to Turkish essentially Fascist designs, it seems that again Britain is willing to betray both Kurds and her own rational, moral and democratic principles and long-term stability and secularism of the region by accepting the exclusion of YPG forces the biggest political force in Western Kurdistan.” Unfortunately, Britain did nothing to support the Kurds in Syria to develop their region to a safe haven for Christians, Yazidis, Alawis and all minorities threatened by both the criminal regime of Bashar Assad and the gangs of murderous Jihadists. Following their success to protect and administer their region, the Kurds rightly and legitimately wanted to develop an interim Constitution and elected administration in their area ,but rather than welcoming and supporting this logical step born out of sheer necessity to develop a legitimate democratic administration that can protect people, order and provide public services, Turkey was alarmed by this and US State Department Spokesperson Psaki “was concerned by press reports indicating that the PYD might declare an independent Kurdish region in Syria” while Britain remained sinisterly silent continuing its liaison with Turkey in its support of murderous al-Qaida Jihadists. But Psaki was wrong or dishonest. Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) have never said they would declare an independent Kurdish state. They say they need to establish a local system of self-rule in the region to respond to the needs of the people for security and services. And this, in the light of the administrative gap and current situation, is a very necessary, logical and democratic step. They want to do this in a constitutional and legal way based on an interim basic law representing the will of the population. The US, Brittan, EU and Turkey should support them to achieve this instead of sending al-Qaida murders to kill their women and children. In fact, this should have happened after the First World War according to the 14 points of the American President Woodrow Wilson on January 8, 1918 and the Treaty of Sevres of 10 August 1920. It is great Shame and dishonour for the US and Britain that in 2013 and after Iraqi invasion and all those bloody claims to respect the will of peoples, right of self- determination and democracy, they act so criminally and hypocritically and continue to betray Kurdish people. Kurdistan region in Syria like that of Iraq, is the real safe haven for Christians, minorities and all freedom loving people and the real bastion of fight against terrorism and murderous fundamentalism. . Shame upon US and Britain that as the statement of Russia’s Foreign Ministry yesterday has revealed, they openly support, through the Turkish racist regime, al-Qaida and murders of Jabhat- al Nusra who daily kill and rape Christians and Muslims. peaceinkurdistancampaign.wordpress/2013/07/18/full-support-from-turkey-to-al-qaeda/ By so doing, they do not only betray the Kurds they also betray Americans and Britons, all freedom-loving people and the families of 9/11 and all victims of al-Qaida and terrorism around the world. It is really ironic, shameful and criminal that US and Britain do not express their concern about the bombing of cities and towns, massacres, kidnapping of Kurdish civilians, daily acts of murder, beheading, looting, destruction an rape committed by al-Qaida-affiliated gangs but express their concern when a people oppressed for 100 years due to their imperialist policies in the middle East, are determined to assert, with their own blood and effort, their human and democratic rights now. Genocide of Syrian Kurds and destabilization of Kurdistan Region The only hypocritical result that Britain and US had to show for their criminal destruction of Iraq, as country, civilization and people, was ‘the Other Iraq’ the Kurdish region in the north. But by trying to violently reverse, suppress and destroy the natural and logical process of Syrian Kurds gaining similar autonomy in their area and benefiting from the experience and support of their kin in south Kurdistan, in alliance with Turkey and the West, we see now the brutal acts of genocide perpetrated by al-Nusra and other Qaida Jihadists. Both the Assad regime and Turkey support Jihadists in their brutal campaign to occupy Kurdish areas especially those rich with oil. Shameless alliance of Turkey, US and Britain with al-Qaida Jihadists and their silence about the massacres they commit on daily basis, has led to mass exodus of Syrian Kurds to north Iraq. Between 17-19 July an estimated 30,000 Kurds have fled Kurdish towns and villages to Kurdistan Region creating chaos and constituting a dangerous destabilising factor. But how does the Times report this? We find this flagship of British journalisms, and the supposed voice of rationalism, moderation and wisdom descending to the bottom of journalistic bias by shamelessly reporting that 30,000 Kurds have fled their homeland because of lack of medical care!!! What is happening to British common sense and sense of justice? This is what the Times has REPORTED on 20 August 2013 under the heading “Kurds flee as medicine crisis grows in Syria” Published at 12:01AM, August 20 2013 “Many of the tens of thousands of Kurds fleeing the Syrian conflict into Kurdish northern Iraq are being driven out by a lack of healthcare, with medical supplies allegedly being diverted by both rebel forces and government troops. About 30,000 Kurds — Syria’s largest ethnic minority — have crossed the Tigris River since Thursday, leaving aid agencies and Iraqi Kurdistan’s regional government buckling under the strain. There are an estimated 195,000 Kurds already, and an emergency transit camp has been set up in Irbil, the capital of the semi-autonomous region. Another camp has been set up at Darashakran, close to the Peshkhabour border crossing. The impact of the war on two young refugees was evident. Nermeen, 5, and her twin sister, Hamreen, suffer from the genetic blood disorder thalassaemia and require blood transfusions every five days. “In Syria, there was no blood left,” Ibrahim, their father, said. “Students and soldiers used to donate blood, but now nobody is donating.” But it is evident from the testimony of many refuges that they are escaping from massacres, beheading, shelling off their homes and towns by both Jihadists, and Turkey. But even the times which has been an ardent supporter of the invasion of Afghanistan to fight al-Qaida and global terrorism, is now, in the same bed of al-Qaida terrorists. This is how al-Jazeera reports the same news: aljazeera/video/middleeast/2013/08/2013818182035446435.html The destruction of Christians in the Middle East Britain is responsible for the historical genocide and recent and current decimation of Christian population in the Middle East. 1. Since the 18th century, Britain, France and Russia, wanted to use Christians in the Ottoman Empire to gain a foothold in the empire and have access to its and its geopolitical interests. There was an idea of creating an Assyrian state, then, in the First World War, an Armenian state, as stated in Treaty of Sevres of 10 August 1920. But the result was the total genocide of the Armenian people by the Turks which Britain shamelessly has still not recognised as such and, instead, hailed Ataturk’s blood-thirsty Turkey, built on the skeletons of Armenian and Kurdish peoples, as a model of Western secular democracy and values. 2. The invasion of Iraq in 2003 and its occupation has led to the destruction of the majority of Christian population in Iraq save those who live or have migrated to Kurdistan. 3. The current criminal support by the US, Britain and Turkey to the extremist Islamic Sunni jihadists and Salafists, have already had a devastating impact on the Christian population thousands of whom have fled to Lebanon. 4. The continuation of the criminal US-British-Turkish support to the al-Qaida Jihadists will definitely lead to the escalation and spread of violence to Lebanon threatening in the first place the Christian population there, This is already happening. 5. The Christians in Turkey and Egypt will not be safe either. This will fulfil the historical project in the Middle East: working for a strong Christian state in the Middle East by helping to eliminate every Christian in the Middle East. Dear David, Of course I am not so naïve to think that any of what I have said will have the slightest effect on your conscience, feeling and thinking. You may never read this letter yourself asking a civil servant to send it to Foreign Office to write or not write a feeble response after one or two months, by which time the genocide of Syrian now including Kurdish people, may have been completed. Therefore, rather than writing new requests I will rewrite what I have written in the previous letter and remained dead letters on a blank paper coffin: Dear Prime Minister, Like Mr Blair, it seems that your Excellency is also interested in foreign interventionist adventures. But I sincerely hope that you will create and leave a much better legacy: 1. Please stop Turkey and fascist jihadists’ threat to the Kurdish people in Syria and ensure that people of Western Kurdistan should be recognised and their democratic will respected. Kurds can become a force of good, peace and plural democracy in Syria. But to avoid the faulty process of Iraq, any new Syrian Constitution must recognise federalism and local democratic administration for various Syrian groups: Arab Sunnis, Alawis, Kurds and Christians. 2. UK can take initiative and lead Europe in decriminalising PKK and recognising it as a genuine democratic representative of Kurdish people and pressurize Turkish government to, as a brave sign of good will, release Abdulla Ocalan and negotiate with him as a Free Man rather than a helpless captive. Turkey should also release all Kurdish political prisoners and take steps to facilitate education in Kurdish in primary schools and expedite the democratic amendment of its Constitution. 3. Britain should rethink and re-evaluate it Kurdish policy and assess the real political power and role that the Kurds as a peaceful democratically-oriental politically secular and tolerant nation with a country of important strategic and geopolitical position and huge natural resources can play in the 21st century politics of the Middle East. 4. Britain Should play a more pro-active role in the politics of Kurdistan Region in Iraq and ensure that the next parliamentary and presidential elections due in July 2013 would be free and fair and stop its blind support to the criminal plutocracy of Barzani family and developing them as another criminal autocratic Gulf-style family rule in a pluralist and politically diverse Kurdistan. 5. Your government should ensure that any previous, present and future oil contacts with KRG are legitimate, legal, transparent and fair. Any contract not known to, debated and approved by Kurdistan parliament should be considered illegitimate and fraudulent. Any contract about any oil resource should include a significant proportion of revenues dedicated for the compensation of the people in their areas and developing it economically, socially and culturally. I hope these thoughts will deserve kind attention of your Excellency and result in some positive action. Kamal Mirawdeli (Dr) Dr Kamal Mirawdeli is a Kurdish writer and presidential candidate in KRG elections in 2009 winning in the regions of Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah and Koye where no vote-rigging occurred].
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 21:11:10 +0000

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