In a time where Government is no longer acting in the best - TopicsExpress


In a time where Government is no longer acting in the best interests of society but instead has been highjacked by the interests of corporations, there will be a Global Day of Action against corruption. Some examples; - Liberal & Labor Governments have both consented to selling out your and future Australians Rights to TransNational Corporations WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.When injustice becomes law disobedience becomes duty... JOIN HERE https://facebook/groups/STOPTPPAustralia/ - The Aus Govt. proposes making boycotts illegal, our last vestige of showing disproval of a companies or Governments destructive practices. - Government Police bully farmers at the behest of GSC companies to frack their land, when by rights the Police (who have to act according to Govt. policy) are themselves not acting in the best interests of society because Govt decisions are swayed by private corporate interests. - Government bullies citizens of Sydney to enforce coal mining and CSG in our water catchment areas when 84% of the population wants no CSG endangering our water supply. - ASIC pushing for a 10 year sentence on Jono Moylan for bring attention to corruption when corrupt corporate official John Gay gets away with a $50,000 fine for ripping off $800,000 for personal profit. - The US Govt. at the bidding of the private military sector charging Chelsea Manning with crimes when the war criminals she exposed go unchallenged. - The US Govt. at the bidding of the private military sector has a secret grand jury charge against Julian Assange and our Govt. does nothing about it. - The Russian Govt. at the behest of private oil drilling companies charges peaceful Greenpeace non violent direct action activists with piracy when all they were doing was trying to bring attention to the real crime, the destruction of our environment. This pattern of corruption of our democratic system that must stop, Governments are at the employ of their societies and must act on our wishes. It is time we took our place with Non Violent Direct Action, together we are strong, the more People the stronger the People Power.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 08:55:24 +0000

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