In aceasta zi din viata ta, cred ca Dumnezeu vrea ca tu sa - TopicsExpress


In aceasta zi din viata ta, cred ca Dumnezeu vrea ca tu sa stii... ... ca simpla neliniste ca s-ar putea intampla ceva rau, i-a pus pe multi intr-o mare primejdie. F.L.Lucan a spus acest lucru - si este un adevar. Nu exista o modalitate mai rapida de a aduce o nenorocire, decat aceea de a te gandi ca ea e pe punctul de a se intampla. Gandul este o forta foarte puternica si un instrument cu care creezi, caruia multi oameni ii aloca putina energie sau il abandoneaza, in fata oricarei amenintari reale la adresa sigurantei ori stabilitatii. Pentru ce iti faci griji, astazi? Pentru ce? In loc sa-ti faci griji, nu crezi ca ti-ai folosi mai bine timpul mental, vizualizand un rezultat pozitiv? Foloseste-ti astazi mintea, in acest mod - si vei avea unul dintre cele mai extraordinare instrumente pe care Dumnezeu ti le-a pus in mana, pentru a-ti crea zilele de maine. Cu dragoste, prietenul tau neale On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... ...that the mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger. F.L. Lucan said that, and it is right. There is no faster way to bring about misfortune than to think it is coming. Thought is a powerful force, and it is a creative tool that many people give little energy to -- or abandon in the face of any real threat to safety or stability. What are you worried about today? Why? Rather than worry about it, would it not be >a better use of your mental time to visualize a positive outcome? Use your mind in this way today and you will have tapped one of the most extraordinary tools God has placed in your hand for the creation of your tomorrows. Love, Your Friend.... Neale.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 11:37:42 +0000

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