In addition, he failed to deal with the growing factionalism in - TopicsExpress


In addition, he failed to deal with the growing factionalism in the party and spent more time fighting court battles he knew he would never win because of a partisan judiciary. Instead of taking advantage of the party’s significant role in improving the Zimbabwean economy and canvassing more support in the countryside, Mr Tsvangirai spent a great deal of time outside the country lobbying the region, the European Union and the US to help him. He looked more like a junior partner in a coalition that he was supposed to drive as prime minister. Even junior Zanu-PF ministers, their deputies, police, intelligence and army generals defied him at every opportunity. “Zanu-PF leaders spent their energy electioneering rather than governing and were more effective at mobilising their supporters,” said Prof Michael Bratton of the University of Michigan. “This was especially true in the rural areas, where two-thirds of the population live, and where the election was decided.”
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:37:51 +0000

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