In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Jon Stewart made the - TopicsExpress


In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Jon Stewart made the following comment: Sean Hannitys probably the most loathsome dude at Fox News. Everything is presented in as devious a manner as it could possibly be presented.” Well, that caused Hannity to become unhinged. In reply to Politico, he said the following: Nearly 50 million Americans on food stamps, nearly 50 million in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since 1978, and Jons beloved president who once said George Bushs debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic has almost accumulated more debt then every other President before him combined, Hannity wrote. Do I even need to remind him about keeping our doctors, our health plans and saving money? And how is that healthcare website working out? Or Iraq, Isis, the Russian reset? More after the squiggly because I talk too much Where should I start? (1) Obama debt more than previous 43 presidents When Jim Renacci (R-OH) said it, it was false. When it was circulated via email in 2012, it was false. When Jon Kyl said Obamas budget adds more debt to our country’s future than all of the debt from 1789 when George Washington was president right up through Franklin Roosevelt and – and Lyndon Johnson and George W. Bush, it was false. When Sarah Palin said Obamas debt was more than all other Presidents combined, it was false. And now that Hannity has said it, its still false. I dont know if he thinks this is true, or if he knows its false and he thinks the rest of us are morons and wont know the truth. However, contrary to popular belief (and much to his chagrin, Im sure), constantly repeating a lie does not suddenly make it true. (2) 50 million on food stamps. Most SNAP recipients are poor. Of all SNAP households, only 15% had gross income above 100 percent of the poverty line in 2010. For households with children, half have gross income below half of the poverty line. In 2010, only 2.5% of SNAP households had gross income above 138 percent of the poverty line. Many SNAP recipients are Senior Citizens, Working Poor, Students, and Children. When Hannity made similar claims in 2012, the BS was broken down (and this link includes a handy dandy video clip of Hannity saying it!). (3) The lowest labor participation rate since 1978 While this may be true, Hannity neglects to mention that its partially because of retiring baby boomers, and young people heading to college. This article includes some nice charts regarding this fact. (4) And how is that healthcare website working out? As far as healthcare, I would be lying if I said the ACA rolled out without a hitch. The fact is, it had its issues, which were fixed. Apparently Hannity neglects to remember similar problems when Bush rolled out his (unpaid for) Medicare Part D plan. Joe Barton (R-TX) acknowledged those issues with these comments: This is a huge undertaking and there are going to be glitches. My goal is the same as yours: Get rid of the glitches. The committee will work closely with yourself and Dr. Mark McClellan at CMS to get problems noticed and solved. We will have the first of what will likely be several hearings on this topic on March 1, when Dr. McClellan will testify before the Health subcommittee. I expect that we ask him very direct questions about where the problems are and what CMS is doing to fix them But I suppose IOKIYAR to have website glitches, but if youre a Democrat, NO GLITCHES EVER, OR WE SCRAP THE WHOLE PLAN! I would also be lying if I said I was unhappy that 10 million people have been able to get health coverage. The truth is, its beneficial to EVERYONE. Having coverage means people can see a doctor when they START feeling ill, not filling up the ER when theyre on deaths doorstep. It means people can work, and keep their jobs, rather than constantly missing work, and getting fired for being unreliable or missing too much time. It means people can manage their illnesses, rather than playing roulette with their health. Will my sugar levels spike today? Lets find out!. Will my asthma be uncontrollable today? I guess well see!. People can afford their insulin, their inhalers, etc. But, I suppose in Hannitys world, giving money to banks and Wall Street, and letting insurance companies make all the calls in regards to our healthcare = free market, but helping the poor = socialism, and thats just unacceptable.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:39:30 +0000

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