In bed and thinking about Racism in America. Trying to make sense - TopicsExpress


In bed and thinking about Racism in America. Trying to make sense out of, how can America fight for freedom in other countries, when America is guilty of oppression of its own. How can America attempt to clean up someone elses house, when America has great in-house problems. Im not anti government, I yearn for a government that is inclusive of all its people equally. Im saddened at the lies that have been taught in our schools forever, Lie: 1st settlers Pilgrims and Native Americans, and how do you discover land already inhabited. Thanksgiving; a lie, next Africans taken from their homeland and brought over as slaves, building this country from the ground up and no credit, next The Pledge of Allegiance; We pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of America and stands one nation under God with liberty and justice for all, all lies, next The Preamble to The Constitution; We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.. lies, wonder whats wrong with our children? They grow up and learn what theyve been taught in school is LIES! What once was a sense of pride for minorities is become a symbol the remember your place black people Im speaking of two term elected President of These United States of America and leader of the free world, President Barack Obama. Our President is held in the highest esteem by many nations except his on own. Yes many will say its politics, and the wealthy, while most Americans in all honesty know its about skin color. The whole world is watching Americas dirty secret Racism revealing itself, exposing whats really going on in America, the unfolding of the ugly truth. Until Americans that truly believe truth and justice for all stand up for it, this cannot be America the Beautiful. Dont care if I get 1 FB like. Its just me airing our dirty laundry in public.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:26:45 +0000

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