In chusing your trusted U.S.SENATOR, Would you pick a foe or an - TopicsExpress


In chusing your trusted U.S.SENATOR, Would you pick a foe or an enemy???? Lets identify the friends amongst the midsts of us: REYESFOR U.S. SENATE (HAWAII) U.S.A. 2012 Coming soon: 11/4/2014 “….The Irony of it al: We have Equal Opportunity of Adding Insult to the Nation’s Injury, After the Day that We will Live in Infamy as what FDR quoted” By: Dr. Arturo Pacheco Reyes, MD For U.S. SENATE (HAWAII) U.S.A. 2014 During World War II, America mustered togetherto fight aUnited Fron with the ALies agains the Axis Powers: America inher all knowing, omniscient power: ISOLATED THOSE AND Identify the Foes against the enemies. In modern warfare as it was in the olden warfare of knowing who got the Trojan Horse: We created a camp and identified who were within us, who were amongst us, who were walking with us, who were ahead of us and who were those that would make a Great Nation Fall and tumble. We identified that the American Germans and Japanese Germans are the core of our MIGHT: They are our enemies as we fought the World War: Yet there were many of us in the forms of Trojan Horse within our very midsts: We were infiltrated by them so to speak. Our Military Genius did not take it very long to figure out how to sort apples from oranges: While the War Theatres were divided in Europe and Asia: We formed, developed and trained many cadres of Western and Eastern Allies: We will train the Japanese and send them to Europe, especially Germany and have the Japanese kill the Germans; vis-avis; We trained, developed, and organized a group of German Americans and send them to Asia and whooped the ass of the Japanese. At the same time forming Brigades and Brigades of trusted USAFFE Rainbow Rangers and Cadres of elite Guerillas from the Philippines Filipino Americans that would make America Triumph to Victory. Such was designed by the Military genius of the time: General of the Army General Douglas MacArthur with his office yeoman, General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower whom he dispatched to lead Europe and the Allied Forces, as he led the Far East with his might and prowess: The feat too save the world and made America prevail became history: MacArthur silenced the guns with the signatures of Only Three Primodial Icons of modern times: FDR< Chaing Kai Shek, and Winston Churchill, signed the famous Potsdam Conference for the Anihilation and ultimate surrender of Japan. Funny and categorically contrasting: THE JAPANESEAND GERMANS WERE our greatest enemies and foes: After the dusts had settled down: A Filipino won the presidency of America’s Peacekeeping Organization, The United Nations that was initially installed at San Francisco, California: A US-Filipino General named Carlos P. Romulo was elected as its first President. He coined the famous phrase: He was being like a dime surrounded by nickels, whenever he stood the tall podium using his books to reach the microphone for his speech, being a short guy as he was. Ironically, with equal opportunity, America is now infiltrated by those personalities we can call Identification of Foes and Enemies (IFF): Germans and Japanese are in the midsts of America’s lawmaking bodies and institutions: THE ENEMIES AND TROJAN HORSES HAVE BEEN UPON US! QUO VADIS AMERICA: TIME FOR A CHANGE: United Nations of America Let’s UNITE! REYES FOR U.S. SENATE (HAWAII) U.S.A. 2014 We prevail! If you want America to prevail forever as a Great Nation: IDENTIFY YOUR ENEMIES AND FOES, AMERICA! VOTE REYES FOR U.S. SENATE (HAWAII) U.S.A.- HE WILL LEAD AMERICA TO ECONOMIC VICTORY! 2014 (20 photos)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:24:53 +0000

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