In his last illness, during which he died, the Holy Prophet - TopicsExpress


In his last illness, during which he died, the Holy Prophet Muhammad entered the mosque with the support of two men to give the following address: “O people! I have heard that you fear the death of your Prophet. Did any prophet before me live on so that I should be expected to live on amongst you? Listen! I am about to meet my Lord, and so will you. So I bid you to treat well the early muhajirs.” (Al-anwār-ul-Muhammadiyya min al-Muwāhib al-Ladinya, Egypt, p. 317) This hadith settles the meaning of the three Quranic verses: “Muhammad is only a messenger, messengers before him have indeed passed away” (3:144); “And We made no mortal before you (O Muhammad) to live on forever” (21:34); and: Nor did they (the prophets) live on forever” (21:8). 2. For all the prophets praying behind the Holy Prophet Muhammad, see also in Muslim, Kitab al-Iman(Book of Faith), chapter ‘Night Journey of the Messenger of Allah to heaven and the making obligatory of prayers’, the report by Abu Hurairah.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:30:27 +0000

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