In honour of my special furry boy Coal Marshall... Sunday June 9, - TopicsExpress


In honour of my special furry boy Coal Marshall... Sunday June 9, 2013 will stand as one of the saddest and most heart breaking days of my life. My very special boy Coal passed into kitty heaven; he was my 12 ½ years old furry boy. He was a big beautiful boy and he was a very special friend and family. The tears keep falling… Coal had a localized sarcoma tumor removed from his belly in January and he healed so well that Veterinarian Dr. Jessica Wolfe called him Super Hero Coal. He was like a kitten still. In late May, Coal went back for a checkup and the blood work showed inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. He was being treated for feline fatty liver syndrome symptoms because it can be reversed with proper treatment. I brought Coal home Saturday after a two day stay at the VET. He had gained weight and seemed to be doing well. An ultrasound unfortunately showed something in his liver. Dr. Wolfe suspected lymphoma was the cause of the inflammation ....The evil of Cancer affects all creatures great and small… With a very heavy heart… Coal was suffering unexpected distress late Sunday afternoon, the veterinarian suspected a blood clot caused an embolism; I felt helpless as he passed away in my arms on the way to the Vet. I am thankful we were together before he went to kitty heaven. Anyone who knows the love of a special furry friend knows the paw prints they leave on your heart. When you don’t have children they are your furry children… Coal was 10 months old when I adopted him not long after the tragedy of 9/11 from the West Vancouver SPCA. I would have never thought he would fill the void left behind after my other black cat Shade passed two days before 9/11. Coal was an indoor cat and we built a loving bond over the years, Coal was one in a million, not just a cat; he was family and loved by everyone who met him. Coal was a gentle soul and had nothing but love for everyone. He was intelligent and responsive to everything. He would always lie at my feet and look at me with such loving eyes. I would always get down on the floor and lie with him. His love was unconditional. Man’s best friend can be a cat too…. I was his hero… He would always respond when spoken to and was very vocal about getting his Medi Treats, even opening cupboards and containers to find them. He was taught to sit before getting his treats. He was my special cookie monster…my life, and the house, will never be the same without him. I am thankful that even when he was not well he was by my side showing me he loved me, and he knew how much I loved him. In a world that is so dark, uncertain, and materialistic, Coal’s gentle soul and love stole my heart away and brighten up my life …I love you Coal…thank you for coming into my life.. Coal Marshall, Dec 10, 2000-June 9, 2013 Forever loved and missed…until we meet again my furry boy
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:42:22 +0000

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