In less than 2 months, the year 2013 will come to close. Perhaps - TopicsExpress


In less than 2 months, the year 2013 will come to close. Perhaps most of us will look at 2013 as a year full of blessings, marked with happy get together with friends, festive family trips and dinners, answered prayers and fulfilled goals. Unfortunately for the victims of the typhoon and the earthquake, year 2013 may be that one year they wish did not happen and can erase from their memories. My heart bleeds for all those who lost their loved ones-there are no words. I pray that time will work swiftly and ease the heart shattering loss they are feeling. I pray that they will find warmth in Gods embrace so that they will not feel alone in this ordeal. I also feel for those who lost their homes. I cannot even begin to imagine how it must feel to see all that you have ever worked hard for, for yourself and your family, vanish in an instant before your eyes and just be left with the almost unrecognizable debris of what was once the product of your labor and sacrifice. As a Filipino, I cannot help but feel beaten at the seemingly relentless onslaught of trials that our nation has suffered this year alone. And yet, I also cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I am where I am and that I am able to wake up with my husband and my kids beside me, with a roof over our heads. Truly I am grateful. We should all be. Christmas is almost upon us again. Being the OC type, I confess that I am halfway done with my Christmas shopping for gifts. Trusting that there are friends and relatives who are like me, I, along with my family, ask this favor this early: To all RELATIVES, FRIENDS, OFFICEMATES AND NEIGHBORS who intend to give any member of our family (Axel, me, Asti and Anya) gifts this Christmas, we ask that you instead DONATE whatever amount you have set aside for us to the victims of typhoon Yolanda. While we appreciate and welcome your gifts, we prefer that you give them to those who are most in need. Should you choose to donate, kindly deposit your donations to our Company Foundation, NIDO FOUNDATION, INC., BPI Checking Account No. 0031-0716-74. Our Foundation has extended help to victims of typhoons and calamities numerous times in the past. We have also given assistance to the medically ill and helped build schools where they were badly needed so rest assured that the money you donate will be given directly to the typhoon victims. Any amount will be most appreciated. Our family appeals to your kind and generous hearts.Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:59:47 +0000

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