In my opinion for SYRIZA to live up to its promises of ending - TopicsExpress


In my opinion for SYRIZA to live up to its promises of ending austerity and improving living standards , it needs to establish Juche and follow the example of the DPRK in building an independent economy rather than simply talking about renegotiating debts , What is needed is to break with imperialism and pursue independence and self-reliance. As the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL said The countries which are experiencing social problems, economic difficulties and disasters because of national disputes must also find out a way to overcome them by their own efforts, not expecting anything from the “prescription” of the imperialists. The so-called “prescription” that the imperialists are propagating around the world are neither good for the development of other nations nor “ingenious plans” to activate the economy of other countries and ensure national reconciliation; these are the schemes to embellish themselves and gain their profit in this process.As reality shows, in the countries which accepted the imperialist “prescription”, social problems and economic difficulties have become more serious and national disputes become more chronic.The countries which are suffering social economic difficulties and national disputes must reject the “prescription” of the imperialists which only worsens their conditions.They must break through the difficulties following their own prescription. (KIM JONG IL ON PRESERVING THE JUCHE CHARACTER AND NATIONAL CHARACTER IN THE REVOLUTION AND CONSTRUCTION ) uk-songun/index.php?p=1_321_ON-PRESERVING-THE-JUCHE-CHARACTER-AND-NATIONAL-CHARACTER-OF-THE-REVOLUTION-AND-CONSTRUCTION-KIM-JONG-IL
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:45:11 +0000

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