In our country INDIA people, in general, are in the habit of - TopicsExpress


In our country INDIA people, in general, are in the habit of talking more and doing less or even least; in the habit of demanding rights and shirking their duties or responsibilities; having a tendency to avoid work, least said about working hard, and attempting to make easy money by any means, preferably foul; keeping an evil eye on honest, hard-working and efficient people and to contrive strategies to loot them of their hard-earned money or property, etc. by persuading, misguiding, beguiling or trying to ensnare them in various ways. The vested interests, opportunists and/or corrupt people have been taking advantage of such weaknesses of the people and the results are not hidden from any of us. Such people have proliferated every profession (service -- public and private), trade, sections, etc. in our society and the country. These people start howling once they find obstructions to their corrupt/evil/illegal activities, gang up against honest, hard-working and efficient people and try to harass and/or spread evil rumours against them and their family members, besides threatening them and their family members or at times getting them or their family members kidnapped and/or murdered even, etc. so that they can continue in their corrupt/evil/illegal activities unhindered. Weak, inefficient, shirking and corrupt, police forces and administration, in general, enslaved to political forces/classes and influential people have further emboldened them to indulge in their nefarious activities. In my opinion the Government (Centre and States) should take the following steps in the interests of the NATION: a) Utilise the services of the government employees to the maximum possible extent; enforce accountability, discipline, sensitivity, proper attitude and aptitude, good behavior and a sense of responsibility in the officials of all categories and status ; fill all vacant posts urgently, create and fill new posts wherever necessary at the earliest; increase efficiency by regular training and keeping the officials updated about latest technological and other developments. The results of blind privatisation are too apparent. Corruption and inefficiency in the private sectors are now-a-days too apparent; they are worse than in government sectors. b) Make the pay packets of the government employees reasonably respectable so that they are compelled to refrain from corrupt activities. c) In stead of depending or waiting on the private companies or agencies the Governments (Centre and the States) should take initiatives towards creating job opportunities to sort out the growing unemployment problem; vigilance should also be kept on the private companies so that they do not exploit the employees and furnish correct information in each and every aspect of the company(ies). d) Law and order problems should be given top priority and should be handled with urgency, sensitivity and extreme caution so that the populace could move about safely and without any fear. e) Some sections of our society, like POLITICIANS (from the top-most levels to the lowest rungs), DOCTORS (including Nurses, Aayahs, office staff in the Nursing Homes & Hospitals, those associated with the management, etc.), TRANSPORT sectors (right from the Owners to the Khalasis), BUSINESS community(ies) and associations, ADVOCATES, REALTY developers (including their employees), TEACHING community (including non-teaching staff, etc.) , etc. have been too much pampered for too long. These sections have been dominated by corrupt, evil, irresponsible and selfish people. All of us at one time or the other have felt or feel the pinch of their nefarious activities. There is the urgent necessity to discipline these people/sections besides inculcating in them a sense of responsibility. Steps may also be taken to investigate into their assets and the mode of acquiring them.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:51:18 +0000

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