In reference to the so-called Senate Scandal, I offer the - TopicsExpress


In reference to the so-called Senate Scandal, I offer the following. But its just a guess. Make of it what you will. The Upper House is occupied by anyone but Honourable Senators. How dare I say that? Simple. Let me explain. The senate is not about which party has the majority of members occupying the seats so as to promote the governments agenda according to the established rules that have been there since the beginning of its history. It is about a bunch of cronies with a guaranteed life job with high remuneration, benefits and perks, little accountability, and a social status equal to no other, while costing the taxpayers much more than their worth. And they dont have to justify anything to anyone: they are a closed and protected inner society of the Government. Who would not want such a cushy job? Then along comes a young, whipper snapper by the name of Stephen Harper with a promise to reform the senate because it has proven itself, over too many years, to be too costly, ineffective and a joke. But the Honourable Senators from both sides of the Upper House, laughed at him because their jobs are protected by the constitution. After long discussions with prospective candidates for the vacant Senate seats, Stephen Harper appointed some honourable public figures with the agreement that they would serve a limited time and would help him reform the Senate. This, of course, did not sit right with the traditional cronies of the senate. Their jobs were being threatened. So they decided to take action against these outsiders who were there to destroy their cushy empire (trough). When a new member joins an institution, they need to be briefed on the rules of engagement, their obligations and and responsibilities, as well as their so-called entitlements, by the department duly anointed with that task, as well as by the already established members of the house who must make sure that the new appointees do not rock the luxury yatch they are on. But in the case of these particular new appointees, it appears that tradition was not followed as in the past, because in so doing the cronies would have been accomplices to their own demise. So the game was on to discredit these new appointees. And with the help of the biased bureaucracy, the opposition members in the lower house as well as the upper house, and of course, the eager participation of our glorious media party, they could also use the opportunity to discredit the Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. The new appointees were improperly advised about the rules of engagement, obligations and responsibilities, as well as their entitlements. Knowing the PMs distaste for dishonest behaviour and improper use of taxpayers money, the new appointees were set up for a fall and the wrath of the PMO and the PM. And when the existing lax rules were not enough to bring them down, the rules were rewritten and made retroactive, to prove that the new appointees were crooks on the take. Meanwhile, everything was done to keep the heat on the discredited senate reformists, and off the Senate cronies, who have been screwing the taxpayers for generations and who would all be out on their asses if an honest audit was done on their activities from the beginning of each of their time as Senators, without limits. The whole saga of Senators Duffy and Wallin is a total sham from the get go, instigated and executed by the Senate cronies to protect their cushy, lifetime, useless occupation of feeding from the taxpayer trough. And since the government turned on them, they turned on the government and the PM. Who wouldnt? That is what was intended by the plotters, and it worked. At the outset of Stephen Harpers desire of reforming the senate, I was 100% on board with the idea, just as I sincerely believe that Parliament needs reforming. I was against the opposition parties desire to have the senate abolished completely. But with the media circus and the oppositions real intentions being made obvious, which is to discredit Harper and the Conservatives, anyway they can by keeping the so-called senate scandal up front an centre, keeping the heat off their own malfeasance, I say, get rid of the senate all together and put an end to the charade, so that we can get on with governing the country instead of playing these king of the hill games in the school yard.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:17:08 +0000

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