In response to televangelist Pat Robertson’s outlandish and - TopicsExpress


In response to televangelist Pat Robertson’s outlandish and unbiblical claim that Christians who believe what the Bible says about how long God took to create the Earth are “deaf, dumb and blind”, for the next three days, we are giving away free downloads of my recent video on this subject. It’s called “Stop Trusting Man’s Word,” and frankly, I don’t think the title could be more appropriate in light of what Robertson stated this week. If we say we believe in the Bible’s inerrancy and authority, we must place our faith in Jesus and respect His written Word, beginning in Genesis! Of course scientific evidence over and over again confirms that the Bible is true, and our PhD scientists at AiG have written hundreds and hundreds of articles and books that affirm this, but on those matters that sound impossible to fallible man—whether it be God creating in 6 actual days, or a virgin maiden giving birth—we must place our faith in what the infinite Creator God says, not finite man! You can download this video free until Sunday night. (It’s normally $12.99 on DVD.) Share this with your friends and encourage them to download and view “Stop Trusting Man’s Word” too! Simply go to the Answers in Genesis online store and download it now. I think you’ll find a whole new level of confidence in the truth of the Bible! The special code to use for the free download is: TRUSTING. We can’t afford to do this sort of thing too often, but right now you can download it free. By the way, if anyone has Pat Robertson’s personal email address, consider encouraging him to download and view it, too. Pray that he will stop misleading God’s people, and inviting the world to scoff and mock at those Christians who believe Genesis as written, and who have a heart for reaching people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Go to this link and use the code TRUSTING to download the video free:
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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