In response to the concern that is daily expressed on the issue of - TopicsExpress


In response to the concern that is daily expressed on the issue of corruption in our nation, I have decided to invest this post as a contribution to the process of a meaningful commonwealth called Nigeria. For us to meaningfully tackle the issue of corruption in Nigeria, we must necessarily reform our defence and security. As the security is presently structured, any attempt to tackle corruption will at best be a slap in the wrist. A security policy that insists that a Nigerian life can not go unaccounted for will give more value to our identity. The role of the security agencies must be well spelt out. As a basic platform for operating our security, each community should operate its own police. There should be a district attorney in charge of law enforcement for each local govt, a state attorney who should be the head of law enforcement for each state and the attorney general for the federation. When a policeman is killed in a district or there is a break down of law and order, the attorney general shall commit the armed forces to the area automatically. Any resistance against the armed forces should be counted as an act of war against the state. The District attorney or State attorney or Attorney General can initiate prosecution in that order in court of competent jurisdiction. Members of the local police shall be residents of the district/local govt while the armed forces shall be of diverse component. The intent of the last paragraph is to have three layers of probably competing interests empowered to assess the criminality of issues. Positions of Attorney General, district and state attorneys shall be contested on a non-party basis. This is what is referred to as community policing. A model that is found to be efficient for law enforcement. As the security is reformed, foreign investment will begin to stream into the country bringing legal jobs thereby taking the focus of the working class away from their illegalities. In many cases, survival by all means also referred to as Machiavellian principle The end justifies the means led many into ill-gotten wealth afterall it is often said that when change is made impossible then violent change is made expedient. If the present policing structure is retained with all the attendant impunity that is constantly in vogue at the Presidency, no meaningful foreign investment will come to Nigeria. In as long as the much needed investment remains a wishful thinking, crude oil will remain our mainstay. For as long as crude oil is the talking point and a few militants can corner N50 Billion to provide security instead of employing thousands of coast guard to stalemate illegal oil bunkering, corruption will not go. In summary, the control of the police by the Presidency must end. Resource must be controlled by States while taxing and guarding are by the Fed Govt. The states should pay their legislators both in the House of Assembly and National Assembly through the Joint tax board. Transparency will bring improved legislative and over sight function. Contestants into party and public offices who do not declare their assets must be disqualified.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 01:11:36 +0000

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