In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Prophecy - TopicsExpress


In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Prophecy about Muhammad in the Bible Introduction The basic articles of faith in Islam include, among others belief in the Prophets of God and faith in the Book of God. This means that Jesus is especially the case in Islam. Not recognizing his divinity, we believe Him to be the Prophet, and uttering his name added to the bottom of my heart Peace be with Him. Similarly, we do mention other prophets, which can be found in the Bible. We believe that God through his prophets has sent mankind Book (Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus). However, we believe that all surviving to the present day, and those known as the Old and New Testaments have been altered by humans and voluntarily completed. There was therefore a need to supplement the revelations and truths contained therein once again and the final. This happened through a new Book (Quran) and the outpouring of the New Prophet (Muhammad) whose outlines are described in the Bible which is our theme. Biblical prophecies about the coming of Muhammad Abraham is considered the patriarch of monotheism and the common father of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. From his second son, Isaac, came all Israelite prophets, among which are: Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Salamon and Jesus (peace be upon them all). The coming of these great prophets was in part fulfillment of the promises of God regarding blessings. Science will continue to the end, because thats what he was the last messenger of God and the sole emissary for all people to unite them in the way of the truth of God. It was he said a lot of things that were to come, and which fulfilled down to the minutest detail, acting criterion for distinguishing between the true and the false prophet. (V Fr. Deut. 18:22). It was he who convinced the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. (John 16: 8-11). Are Changing Religious Leadership was announced? In rejecting the finality of Jesus prophecy of the prophet of Israel, it is time to fulfill a promise to create a great nation of Ishmael. (Genesis. 21, 13-18). In the Gospel according to Matthew (21: 9-21), Jesus speaks of in vain of the fig tree (biblical symbol of the heritage of the prophets) to clarify that the three years of his mission was the last chance to release the fruit. In another verse of the same chapter, Jesus said: Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. (Mt. 21:43) He spoke about the nation formed by the descendants of Ishmael, considered to be ... the stone which the builders rejected ... (Mt. 21:42), who won them all adversities that occurred in his time - as prophesied Jesus: And who would fall on this stone - crack, and on whom he fell - crush it (Mt. 21:44) Is it possible that these prophecies presented here appeared all separately and were merely coincidence or bad interpretation? 600 years after Jesus, came the last messenger of God - Muhammad, who had just come from the progeny of Abraham through Ishmael. Gods blessing for the two main branches of Abrahams family tree was now fulfilled. But if there are additional evidence that the Bible actually predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad? Muhammad - Prophet As Moses After Abraham, God promises to send the long-awaited prophet were repeated by Moses. God revealed to Moses: ?? Will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put in his mouth My words will be said to them all that I command. ?? (V Fr. Deut. 18:18) This is talking about the prophet, which will be sent by God, and who will: 1 Of the brothers Israelis, which were, after all Ishmaelites. Ishmael was the son of Abraham, and he clearly has promised that it will be the father of a great nation. 2 Prophet like unto Moses. Its hard to find two so similar to each other prophets like Moses and Muhammad. Given extensive with both of law (the law, the Code) relating to life. Both had their enemies and overcame them in a wonderful way. Both were accepted by the people and regarded as prophets and lawmakers. Both fled before tracking their conspirators planning to their death. The analogy between Moses and Muhammad takes into account not only the above similarities but also other determinative (eg., Natural birth, family life and death of Moses and Muhammad) that do not fit into Jesus regarded by his followers as the son of God and not exclusively as a prophet - such as he was Moses and Muhammad, and for what Muslims consider him. He had expected the Prophet of Arabia Come V Deuteronomy (33: 1-2) mentions a total of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad preaching the coming of God (ie. Revelation of God) from Mount Sinai, enlightenment from Seir (probably the village of Seir near Jerusalem) and shining of the word of God with Paranu. According to the Book of Moses I (21:21) wilderness of Paran was the place where Ishmael settled (ie. Saudi precisely in Mecca). The Bible version of Charles James aptly described the pilgrimage through the valley of Baka (another name of Mecca) in Psalms (84: 4-6). You can also find mention of the valley of Baka in Millennium Bible (Psalm. 84: 7). Isaiah (42: 1-13) speaks of the beloved of God wybrańcu and emissary that will bring the law on the island and have to wait that: ?? Not discouraged nor did not collapse until he has established the law on the earth (Isaiah. 42: 4). Verse 11 says that the expected offspring will come from Kedara. Who was so Kedar? According to the Book of Moses and 25:13, Kedar was the second son of Ishmael - in a direct line ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad. Emigration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina Habakkuk (3: 3) says that God (Gods help) coming from Teman (an oasis north of Medina by. J. Hastings Dictionary of the Bible) and the Holy comes from the mountains of Paran. This saint, who, because of persecution, emigrated from Paranu (Mecca) to be received enthusiastically in Medina was none but Muhammad. Indeed, the migration of the Prophet and his persecuted friends is clearly described in the Book of Isaiah (21: 13-16). This piece looks exactly the battle of Badr, in which a handful of poorly armed Muslims miraculously defeated the much more numerous, more powerful men of Kedar, trying to destroy Islam and intimidate their own people who had already converted. Quran Announced in the Bible! For 23 years, the words of God (Quran was genuinely Muhammad preached his mouth that was not the author of the Quran). The Quran was given to him by the Angel Gabriel (passed no purpose save by Muhammad, who was illiterate, after all, but the purpose of learning the words of the Koran by heart in the form in which they were revealed). Thus, these words were written in the memory of all the faithful and were written by those who heard it for the life of Muhammad, under his supervision. Was it a coincidence that the Prophet ?? as Moses ?? from ?? brethren the children of Israel ?? (Ie from the Ishmaelites) was also described as one whom God will put His words in his mouth, and he will be spoken in His name (Deut. 18: 18-20)? Was it also a coincidence that ?? Paraclete ??, talked about Jesus and the coming of the promised was described as one who: ?? ... Will not speak on his own but will tell you everything he hears ... ?? and that surrounds the glory of Jesus (John 16:13)? Is the case was also that Isaiah connects envoy coming from Kader with a new song (revealed in a new language), sung in honor of God (Isaiah. 42: 10-11)? Yet prophecy is clearly shown in Ks. Isaiah (28:11): ?? Truly, lips jąkałów and foreign language will speak to this people ??. This verse accurately describes ?? stutterers ?? the lips of the Prophet Muhammad reflecting the state of tension and concentration he experienced during the apparition. At another point the Book of Isaiah mentioned that the Quran was revealed piece by piece for 23 years (Isa. 28:10 / Vulgate version of the Bible), which again coincides with the truth, because the mission of the Prophet Muhammad lasted 23 years. The Prophet - ?? Paraclete ?? This is Muhammad Up to the time of Jesus, the Israelites still waiting for the promised Prophet ?? As Moses ?? announced in the (V Fr. Lev. 18:10). When John the Baptist came, they asked him whether he is Elijah and he said: ?? not ??. Then on the basis of (V Fr. Mo QoL. 18, 18) asked him ?? whether you are the Prophet ?? and he again replied No (John 1: 19-21). In the Gospel according to John (14: 15-16) Jesus said about ?? Paraclete ?? or ?? ?? comforter who will come after him, and who will be sent from the Father as another Paraclete ?? ??. It will be taught new things which the generation of Jesus could not carry on his shoulders. When Parkleta described as the Spirit of Truth (the same term called Muhammad - Al-Sadek Al-Amin - that is truthful, trustworthy) then began to identify him (Parkleta) of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). In any case, such a description is in contradiction with the profile ?? Parkleta ??. According ?? Dictionary of the Bible ?? (Ed. J. Mackenzie): ?? these messages do not give a complete picture ?? logical. The actual history tells us that by earlier Christians understood ?? Parkleta ?? as a man (husband) and not the spirit. This may explain the imitation by some of the expected ?? Parkleta ?? (Of course without any compliance with the criteria laid down by Jesus). This is what the Prophet Muhammad was the ?? Parkletem ??. Comforter, Helper, Advocate sent by God after Jesus. He testified of Jesus, taught new things which could not be revealed to the time of Jesus. He contributed to the blessing of all the nations of the world as a descendant of Abraham (Genesis. 12: 3). We know from Bibblii also that God will bless those who bless Abrahams will (Gen.. 12: 3). (It is worth mentioning here that the Muslims during every prayer asking God for the blessing of Abraham.) Such a fulfillment of the promise of God fully accepted by Muslims, for whom one of the pillars of faith is respect and belief in all the prophets. Blessing of Ishmael and Isaac Is the firstborn son of Abraham - Ishmael and his descendants are covered by the covenant and promise of God? A few verses from the Bible may help answer this question: 1 And Deuteronomy (12: 2-3) speaks of Gods promise to Abraham and his seed even before the birth of all his children. 2 And Deuteronomy (17: 4) repeats the promise of God after the birth of Ishmael and before the birth of Isaac. 3 In the first book of Moses (21:13) Blessed is Ismael. Further it is said that will come from Ishmael a great nation. (Gen. 21:18) 4 According to the Book of Moses V (21: 15-17) state of social and social origin mothers can not affect the right and privileges of the firstborn son. It did not matter whether the mother was a free woman like Sarah - the mother of Isaac, or not, as Hagar - mother of Ishmael. This is consistent with the moral and humanitarian principles of all revealed religions. 5 The entire lineage of Ishmael as Abrahams son and the lineage of his mother Hagar, as Abrahams wife is clearly confirmed in the Book of Moses (16:15, 21:13). 6th son whom Abraham was to sacrifice Ishmael was also, not Isaac, as some claim. It is known that Ishmael was the firstborn son of Abraham. According to the Book of Moses I (22: 2), God tells Abraham to offer ?? ... your only son ... ??. Ismael was 14 years old as Isaac was born (Gen.. 16:16 / Genesis. 21: 5), which means that Isaac could not be ?? only ?? son of Abraham. After Jesus, the last Israeli emissary and prophet came time to fulfill the promise of God in the blessing of Ishmael and his descendants. He survived the faithful (thanks to his well-preserved teachings). Whether it is reasonable to conclude that all these prophecies, appearing in different books of the Bible and proclaimed by various prophets (at different times) were pure coincidence? If so - would be a significant yet another strange coincidence. One of the signs of the prophet coming from Mecca (Paran) was the advent of 10 thousand. Saints (Deut. 33: 2 ???). It was the number of faithful who accompanied Muhammad to Mecca (Paran) during his winning a bloodless return to his birthplace, to destroy the remaining symbols of worship of idols in the Kaabah. God said, as quoted Moses: ?? If someone does not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name, Ill ask it considers the case. ?? (Deut. 18:19) Dear readers. We hope that the light of truth will light in your hearts and minds. Maybe it will lead you to peace and security in your life and happiness in the next life eternal.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:15:08 +0000

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