In the countdown to the Scotlands date with destiny on 18 - TopicsExpress


In the countdown to the Scotlands date with destiny on 18 September 2014, I thought I would try and share with you all one parable a day before that great day. As I have 45 stories and there is approximately that many days before the Referendum, it would tie in quite nicely with the final push for the YES vote. If you like my stories, please feel free to like in the usual manner, and, if you feel so moved, you can write feedback below each one too. As always, you are more than welcome to share any one (or more!) of my parables with family, friends, YES supporters, DONT KNOWS, NO folk even, anyone in fact who you think could be persuaded to vote YES. This means, you have, and you always have had, the authors permission to share these on Facebook, other social media and in the wider (and real !) world. This is by no strectch of the imagination an ego trip for me. Many of you will already know, Ah cannae vote an Ahm no een Scoish, but by heck, I will cheerlead without relenting in the only way I know I can on here for the cause of YES. The rest, including the placing of the saltire cross against the YES to independence box on your ballot papers, will be down to you, Scotland, and you alone when the 18th of September dawns. Let us all hope, by the grace of all those who have gone before us and those who are currently leading us, that when we wake up the following day, the 19th will prove to be a very good morning indeed for Scotland. If you can not wait until your next daily installment of my fables, I will also append a link for my readers to follow through to the whole group of my opus of 45 parables. These you can then read/share/use in your own time and make use of as you see appropriate in gathering support for your nations freedom. Enjoy your reading - but ensure that the parables message of YES, of joy, of freedom for the Scottish people be spread far and wide. And let my home nation be next! https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.259514867559112.1073741846.137715503072383&type=1
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:28:25 +0000

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