In the early 1980s, ex-KGB agent Yuri Besmenov explained the - TopicsExpress


In the early 1980s, ex-KGB agent Yuri Besmenov explained the stages of socialist/communist takeover of a country from within. He revealed the propaganda technique of ideological subversion and how it leads to demoralization of a nation to the point of destabilization, until communist takeover can be achieved (this is when they roll in the tanks) in a process they call “normalization.” He discussed the manipulation and inevitable demise of useful idiots once “social justice” is achieved and warned of the impending “world communist conspiracy.” When you watch this interview, see if you can figure out what stage America is in right now. G. Edward Griffin interview of Yuri Besmenov The Stages of Communist Imperialism Yuri Bezmenov, a.k.a. Tomas Schuman, a soviet KGB defector, explains in detail the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies in the 80s. The importance of this video lies in the fact that it exposes the scientific method that the Soviet Union, communists, socialists, Marxists and liberals worldwide, used and are still using to subvert traditional societies. A method that was first developed by the Frankfurt school in Germany and then adopted by the KGB in the Soviet Union. That spread later on in American and European universities and campuses and eventually penetrated the media, culture, politics and the society at large. A method also known as Cultural Marxism and lately as Political Correctness. Wow...
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:17:23 +0000

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