✓ In the name of Allah the most gracious the most - TopicsExpress


✓ In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful THE GENERAL CHARACTERSTICS OF MUSLIM WOMEN The Muslim woman and her lord The believing woman is alert She worship Allah She regularly prays five times a day She may attend jamaah congregational prayer in the mosque She attend Eid prayer s She prays sauna and nwafl prayers She perform her prayers properly She pays zakat on her wealth She fasts during the day and prays at night in Ramadan She observe nwafl fasts She goes on hajj to the sacred house of Alla h She goes for Umrah She is obedient to the commands of Allah She does not sit alone with a strangers ajnabi She wears correct hijab She avoid mixing freely with men She does not shake hands with non muharam man She does not travel except with a muharam She accepts the will and decree of Allah She turn to Allah in repentance often She feels responsible for the member of her families Her main concern is the pleasure of Allah She understands the true meaning of being a servant of Allah She works to support the religion of Allah She is distinguished by her Islamic character and true religion Her loyalty is to Allah alone She enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil She reads the Quran Often The Muslim woman and her own self Her body: She is moderate in food and drink She exercise regularly Her body and clothes are clean She takes care of her mouth and teeth She takes care of her hair Good appearance She does not go to extremes of beautification or make a wanton of her self Her mind: She takes cares of her mind by pursuing knowledge She is not superstitious She never stops reading and studying Her soul: She performs acts of worship and purifies her souls She keeps company with the righteous people and join religious gatherings She frequently repeat du”a supplication described in hadis The Muslim woman and her parents She treats them with kindness and respect She recognizes their status and knows her duties towards them She is kind and respectful towards her parents even if they are not muslim She is extremely reluctant to dis obey them her mother comes first then her father She treats them kindly The Muslim woman and her husband She chooses a good husband She is obedient to her husband and shows him respect She treats his mother and family with kindness and respect She endears herself to her husband and keen to please him She does not disclose his secret She stands by him and offers her advise She encourage him to spend for the sake of Allah She helps him to obey Allah She fills his heart with joy She makes her self beautiful for him She is cheerful and grateful when she meet him She shares his joy and sorrows She does not look at other man She does not describe other woman to him She tries to create atmosphere of peace and tranquility for him She is tolerant and forgiving She is strong in character and wise She is one of the most successful wives The Muslim women and her children She understands the great responsibility that she has towards her children She uses the best methods in bringing them up She demonstrate her love and affection for them She treats her son and daughters equally She does not discriminate between her sons and daughters in affections and care She does not pray against her children She is alert to every thing that may impact on them She instills good behavior and attitudes in them The Muslim woman and her sons and daughters-in-law She knows haw to make a good choice in selecting a daughter-in-law She knows her place She gives advice but does not interfere in their private life She respects her and treats her well She is wise and fair in her judgment of her daughter-in –law She makes good choice She respect her son-in-law She helps her daughter to be a good wife to her husband She is fair and never biased in favor of her daughter She deals with problems wisely The Muslim woman and her relatives She uphold the ties of kinship according to Islam She adheres to teachings of Islam regarding neighborhood She loves to her neighbors what she loves to her self She treat them well even if they are non Muslims The bad neighbor is a person whose good deeds are not accepted and deprived of the blessing of faith The Muslim woman and her friends and sisters in Islam She loves them as sisters for the sake of ALLAH She does not for sake or abandon her sister She is tolerant and forgiving towards them She meets them with a smiling face She is sincere towards them She is faithful and kind towards them She does not gossip about them She avoids arguing with them, making hurtful jokes and breaking promises She is generous and honors her sisters She prays for her sisters in their absence The Muslim woman and her community or society She has a good attitude towards other She is truthful She avoids false statements She guides others righteous deeds She does not cheat deceive or stab in the back She keeps her promises She is not hypocrite She is modest keeps her hay”a She is proud and does not beg She does not interfere in what does not concern her She refrains from slandering the honor of others and seeking out their faults She does not show off or boast She is fair in judgments even to those whom she does not like She does not rejoice in the misfortunes of others She avoids suspicion and backbiting She avoids cursing and foul language She does not fun of any body She is gentle and kind towards people She is compassionate and merciful She strives for benefit of other She helps to alleviate the burden of the debtor She is generous She does not remind the beneficiaries of her charity She is patient She is easy-going and does not bear grudges She is easy not hard She avoids boasting and seeking fame She is not envious Her speech is not exaggerated She has likable personality She keeps secret She tries to make people happy She is cheerful She is light-hearted and has a sense of humor She is not arrogant or proud She honors her gusts She avoids the customs against Islam’s She spreads the greetings of Islam She does not inter the house of other with out permission She does not convers privately with an other woman when the third is present She respects elders and distinguished people She does not look into other peoples houses She avoids yawning in a gathering as much as she can She follows Islamic etiquette when she sneezes She does not seek the divorce of an others woman so that she may take her place She choose the work that suits her feminine nature She does not imitate men She call people to the truth She enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil She is wise and eloquent in her dawas She mixes with other woman and put up with their insults She repays favors and grateful for them She visits the sick She does not wail over the dead She does not attend funerals (follow the bier) Wasall-llahuma alaa-nabiyyina Muhammad wa- alaa alihi wa-ashabihi ajmaiin By kedir Muhammad Source: book entitled” THE IDEAL MUSLIMAH “ AND BASED ON QURAN AND HADIS
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 07:31:37 +0000

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