In this modern day of technology many new ideas come to us through - TopicsExpress


In this modern day of technology many new ideas come to us through the progression of advancement in radio and telecommunications, Lets take a look at the humble radio, from its quartz crystal and cats whisker days to its now progressed state of D.A.B radio, pivoting on the main idea of pre-selected channels, Gone are the days of twiddling the fine tune knob now we can scan the airwaves in one fell sweep and listen to our favourite music or latest chat show in perfect sound with crisp audio.. But wait... Myself having been brought up in the days of valve set radios and also using ham radio Im used to listening to all those little unusual blips with there erratic tone bursts and sounds that traverse the ether bouncing off the ionosphere the rising and falling of the skip conditions caused by the sunspot cycle and weather conditions, Hell i was the first to recognise an electrical storm approaching long before anybody else in the neighbourhood,, now lets just take a step back, are we missing something here, what if some transmissions are just more than man made and not caused by the weather.. Maybe some transmissions are not of this world and are created by alien beings, With the SETI project pointing their huge dishes spacewards and past nearby transmissions that are a lot closer to home, could this be the reason for pre-selected radio stations to hide what is within earshot of us humans going about our daily routine,, it does make me wonder as i tune across my old valve set are we being conditioned to bypass the signals that are all around us everyday, having listened to the flurry of between channel noise for many years there have been intermittences of signals that do sound like alien voices or strange sounds that could be two ETs having a conversation, It does make you wonder what if... Just saying.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 18:03:50 +0000

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