In todays world you are all enslaved by about a dozen corporations - TopicsExpress


In todays world you are all enslaved by about a dozen corporations that own everything. Your proud to go to work for crumbs while the person above sits back and gets rich off your hard work. You know the system is corrupt yet you go to work everyday and buy their products and YOU are the one that keeps this system going. They gave yall just enough to get into a house and barely survive and your so grateful. While they continue to exploit us and people throughout the world, but you got a couple bucks in your pocket and a meal so you defend your master. Were in the field and instead of waiting we will burn the masters house down whether your in there or not. If you get offended when he uses the term white man then yes you are probably the type of white man hes speaking of. The ones that defend these wars, defends the police, has an excuse for all the evil going on, blames the homeless person for being lazy, yall are the house slaves and this pertains to every race. Yall are scared to struggle for a better world, you feel comfortable now working for your masters so you dont want to take that risk. Grow a pair of nuts and use your mind if its still possible because we dont have much time left. Its proven like Malcolm said the peaceful ones are the easiest to defeat because they already know you wont fight back. Evil dont care about whats right or wrong so we have no other option but to fight.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 19:26:25 +0000

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