Incoming (to them, I mean): Mr Barnett, Mr Sutherland (as my - TopicsExpress


Incoming (to them, I mean): Mr Barnett, Mr Sutherland (as my local Member) and Ministers, I was flabbergasted when I saw the report on Channel 7 news last night where Mr Barnett labelled me as an ‘extreme activist’ for availing myself of my right as a citizen of this country, a taxpayer for nearly 40 years, a voter and for standing up against your so-called ‘Shark Mitigation Policy’. Yes, I was at the rally on Cottesloe Beach a few weekends ago, along with around 3999 others. Yes, i was at the DPC rally last week, yes, I sent a single email to one of the maritime companies rumoured to be tendering for your Strategy (I was polite, unlike your blanket accusation) and, yes, I have signed various petitions agains this policy. I was not aware that any of the above was illegal, yet, in Western Australia? Or, am I sadly mistaken? I have marched in probably 3 or 4 protests over the last 40 years or so and have never, ever emailed an MP over a matter before. I am only saying that to give you an indication of my feeling on this matter. Mr Barnett, you are an embarrassment to our State. Over 120,000 people have signed the Greenpeace petition, the emails of which you are now ‘trashing’ and you, personally as well as the Government collectively, are being laughed at by people around the world. So what if the signatories don’t live here? The Great White Shark is a migratory species, they don’t just live in your pool, Mr Barnett. You just have to browse the comments on-line, on the petitions, on Reddit, on Facebook to see the depth of feeling and the negative publicity that this is bringing to this great State. There is already anecdotal evidence of SCUBA divers reversing their decisions to come to WA, as a result. Sir Richard Branson signed the Greenpeace petition, saying Nevertheless, Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett wants to cull vulnerable shark species. I’ve signed Greenpeace’s petition and would encourage everyone to do so. I would also urge Premier Barnett to reconsider a bill that will kill sharks but wont prevent shark attacks. I am disgusted that you, Mr Barnett, have resorted to virtual name calling now that you see that people disagree with you. I will never vote Liberal again as a result of your attitude, your dismissive sneer and your name calling. I cannot believe the level that you have stooped to on this matter, Mr Barnett. Be a man. Admit that you were wrong and reverse this decision, before it is reversed for you. I have copied my local Member, Mr Michael Sutherland, for his information and, potentially, education. I have copied the Ministers for their information, so that they can gain a sense of the depth of feeling about this matter. You, Mr Barnett, dare to label me as an ‘extreme activist’? Well, watch me start to act like one. Feel free to respond, or to contact me on at any time - though, based on others’ reports, I doubt that you will. I, and tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of people around the world will not be going anywhere. Sincerely, -- Simon Blears Sent with Airmail
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 04:27:52 +0000

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