Indeed 2014 was the best year for me. For that I bow and - TopicsExpress


Indeed 2014 was the best year for me. For that I bow and say:EBENEZZER . Pst Alph Lukau prophesied over my life that God will restore my life in 2014, especially that am turning 40 .40 is a significant number & year. Everything he prophecies came to pass. Some of my 2014 Highlights. 1. For the first time I fasted & prayed for 40 days 2. I turned 40 3. my company turned 10 (10 years in business 4. Completed my studies & got certified as John Maxwell Coach & Mentor in Africa 5. my companys accreditation was extended by SETAs 6.The car that was repossessed years back, I got (bought) it back. 7.Me and my boys never consulted a doctor. We were in good health. 8. I felt so much loved by AMI family, received many gifts in my life like never before. 9. My dad, Pastor Alph Lukau acknowledged the calling & Ministry of God in my life. 10. Travelled all over and locally . Empowered more than 10 000 citizens the whole of Africa through Training, coaching and mentorship. 11. Invited as a guest,Inspirational,motivational keynote speaker in churches, schools, organizations , private and government departments. Addressed more than 100 000 people . This made me to read, research a lot. I personally developed. 12. Featured in many TV , radio stations& magazines. 13. Created many jobs in rural areas 14. employed more staff members (created jobs) 15. Appointed suppliers and service providers (created jobs) 16. Empowered youth through career exhibitions, talks in schools and career awareness through FET & University tours 17.Coached many CEOs & Leaders on leadership development 18. Served for the first time in a department at church 19. Mentored and coached many to start successful business and facilitated funding for their businesses 20. Grew Spiritually through the teachings of my dad Pst Alph Lukau 21.Lived differently given how my Pastor look at life. Like now I have learnt that I live in the cash economy of Jesus Christ so whatever I have to acquire I have to pay cash. Debt is not my portion. I cant be a tenant but landlord. I will Own cities. Aaaoooccchhh . Many people played a major role in my life but my dad, Papa Alph played a major role and I thank God for him. Believe The Lord your God. You shall be established. Believe his Prophets you shall prosper. I bless God for my dad Papa Alph Lukau. Anointed for me and my loved ones. Ebenezzer.#Royal bow.#
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:18:40 +0000

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