Independence will create jobs in renewing infrasrucure and - TopicsExpress


Independence will create jobs in renewing infrasrucure and improving it, we can finally after so many tragic years make the A9 safer for transport,we can expand and develop air links and air passenger duty removed, with a lower buisness taxes we can encourage companies to make their homes here, we can renew and recommence Coal mines with investment in coal burning techniques to lesse the carbon release, we can further develop the excellent research facilities we have at the moment for example in Dundee University, we can revamp and renew our education system and school curriculums to better reflect Scottish history,Scottish Culture and Scottish values, we can have diplomatic embassies in other countries that can be innovative and properly costed.we can have our NHS,properly funded and properly run and cut ou or down commercial lobbyists who by bribery corrupt the way medicines are purchased ,we could have greater integration across disciplines so that expertise and research finding are shared with others in the same fields of endeavour.We could have medium to large surface ships built again on the Clyde to patrol our coastlines and protect our oil rig staff and rigs and other support vessels.We could have a renewal and revival of apprenticeships and a far more secure crofting set uo.Television and media Jobs could be created giving greater coverage to Gaelic Broadcasting.With the creation of a Scottish Broadcasting Authority we could have more Scottish Drama and general arts programs like for instance The Cheviot the Stag and the BLACKBlack il,Machair, the great highland soap,and of course what Alistair Darling is careful NOT to say is that with Independence we get Full Fiscal responsibility for all of Scotland,and instead of feeling Scotland is like as my late friend Sorley Maclean, the great Gaelic poet put it The great dead bird of Scotland ) Scotland could take off,I am not sure if Voting for sixteen and seventeen year olds is only for the Referendum but we could extend that franchise to all Scots of that age for they will be God willing, already working and so no taxation without representation being right, they too should take resoonsibility for The Scotland they want to help shape.The life boats around Scotlands shores are hard pressed and they could be helped by skilled boat builders.We would also have a written constituition like the Declaration of Arbroath was in a way and be free from those who would exchange freedom for slavery for ever by making it impossible ior at least harder in law to have any kind of subservience to Westminster.And allow us to deal with those here in Scotland who oppress and deny and who do not pay their fair share of tax.Well that lot to me looks like at least a million jobs saved but sorry Alistair your present position is untenable, unworkable, unuseable and whats more highly resented by the people of Scotland.We expect your desk to be cleared by 5pm oh and by the way,your salary has been suspended pending Disciplinary action.There is however a Building down Byres Road somewhere that has a Food Bank,and if you can manage to get a voucher and that is legal and meets all the current requirements and duly scrutinised by the Voluntary staff that run it,you may be lucky and get some.Also if ye should need to sign on and do not have to suffer a Benefits Sanction or indeed a continous Bedroom Tax you might just survive providing you are in low quality and few social rented housing and there are enough Police to patrol your neighborhood and you dont have major flooding and damage to your house like Somerset did with little help from the Government and you are not radiated with Nuclear Particles from The leaks of Nuclear paricles from buried planes, and you dont accidentally getAnthrax from the poluution of Anthrax on Gruinard Island you might just if ye survive the next major round of Aysterity Cuts aimed at the poor and vulnerable and disabled,Well you might be all right for a liitlle while but dont hold your breath for you know what the Tories are like.VOTE YES Please
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:25:19 +0000

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