India- January 19, 2015 I am pre-writing this info and posting - TopicsExpress


India- January 19, 2015 I am pre-writing this info and posting it as I am able to go online. I am only using the internet 15 minutes, every other day per day to give myself a break. Travel was smooth but very long. First flight went by fast. I had an entire row to myself in the back of the plane. The second flight from Qatar to Chennai India. The layover in Chennai was 5 hours, but it went by fast, as we had to go through customs, immigration and a health screening. They take your temperature by infrared camera to make sure you dont have a fever. They are screening for Influenza and Ebola. If you are sick, you dont get to enter the country. By the time we collected our luggage, re-checked it, etc...we waited 2 hrs and got on the last flight. The airport in the Middle East was just like ours, but when you arrive in India, you immediately know it, from the moment the plane door opens. The jetway is already telling. We finally arrived in Coimbatore to a very quiet and small airport and we had 2 taxis waiting for us. The guys threw our luggage on the roof and away we went. WOW. What a ride! We drove as fast as possible through the city to get to the outskirts in the jungle. The sights, sounds, traffic, colors, beeping, people, animals, smells of food, etc are almost a visual overload. What I saw on the ride here I will never forget. The rules of the rode are - there are no rules and the one with the loudest horn wins. I was sure we were in for a head-on collision several times. There are even girls in saris riding side-saddle on motorcycles without even hanging on. In this chaos and threat of death every moment, these ladies are really tough. There are people everywhere and it just doesnt stop. They are walking in the rode and most are barefoot. The level of poverty is puts all things into perspective. It makes my hometown of South Chicago look like a paradise. Arriving at the compound was wonderful. We all hugged each other upon exiting the 2 taxis and laughed at what an experience that was! I wonder what we are in for when we drive to Munnar, Alleppey and Kochi! We have been greeted by the main doctor. Dr. Ramadas is a big-eyed sweetheart of a man. We have been treated like like queens from the very start. We unpacked in our room and immediately had consultations with the doctor. The hospital is comprised of 15-20 patient block buildings that each have treatments rooms contained in the building. They are all inter-connected by lovely stone walkways that are all covered for protection from the sun. The roof of the walkways is terra cotta and keeps everything quite cool. Everything else surrounding in jungle trees, farming of medicinal herbs or flowers. There are also 2 main gathering rooms that are round and full of windows. One is for yoga, meditation, pranayama and prayers. The other is a small school where we meet for daily presentations and daily satsang with the doctors. Yesterday, we learned about why we pray in morning and evening, why there are so many hindu dieties and why Ganesha looks like an elephant. There are peacocks and cows in a field next to us and there are butterflies flying everywhere among the flowers. There are terra cotta wind chimes. The smell of incense fills the air. There are herbal water stations every so often. There is also a main office where you may go to stay online for a only a few minutes a day. You may also purchase any supplies you need there and you may drop off your laundry if you need it washed. To wash 8 items, it costs 35 cents. The doctor gave me an initial consult. He asks numerous questions about diet lifestyle and heath history. Then he checks eyes, nails, hair and pulse. He told me I have eyes that are like gems of blue sapphire. He was able to tell me a bunch of things that shocked me, just from reading my pulse. He said I am full of Pitta. This is what causes my physical ailments, my back problems and arthritis. He also said that is why I couldnt have children. He also told me I am a very calm person now, but I was much more aggressive in my youth. He said some of issues stem from me always wanting to know too much information and that I dont always have to have an answer to the question Why. He told me several more personal things that blew me away and I have noted in my journal. We had a long conversation and he will treat me to cool off my body from the inside out. We meet with the doctor every morning and we must keep a record of everything - when and how much we eat, drink, sleep, urinate, etc. - We also have to record our emotional feelings everyday and anything we dream about. All of these daily activities and thoughts contribute to your health. During this cleanse, many emotional things can come up. All of this down time gives some people a chance to just sit and think for the first time in their lives. It can be quite overwhelming for some and the doctors want to make sure everyone is not only receiving physical treatment, but that we feel emotionally comfortable as well. I did not start treatments yesterday, but today they are starting to give me herbal meds. They are called Kashayam. They taste quite horrible. One is very bitter and the other tastes like sour red wine. They bring them everyday at the same times. The doctor explained that these are to treat inflammation in the body and mind. We all have different meds we are taking for different reasons. Mine are to treat the inflammation. My classmates have warned that it kills your appetite and makes you run to the bathroom. Good! I will loose a few pounds! They bring water and herbal meds every morning at 5:30 am, then we gather for morning prayers, chanting and pranayama. You hear the sound of flip flops in the dark as we all make our way to the main hall. The Hindu Mass is called Puja. We all gather in a round main room that is full of windows and the sound of birds. It is quite beautiful. Dr. Ramadas burns fire and incense and belts out hypnotizing verses from the Gita and we join in at the end reading from our handouts. The sound of Om Shanti resonates through your brain. When it is over, we take a small drink of water and chew a piece of neem. He then dots your head with red sandalwood paste on your 3rd eye (with a big smile). You exit and the sun has risen and the birds are singing. We arrive back to our room for ginger tea and breakfast. Then you rest and the doctor comes to your room to see you. Then you rest some more or go for a small walk around the compound. Then you arrive back for lunch at 12:30 with more water and tea. At 2 pm, I have my abyanga today and then I will go to Satsang at 5 pm (everyday). Also once a week, they show how to make herbal medicines. There is something different everyday, but prayers, yoga and satsang are daily. Yoga Nidra is everyday at 2 pm. At 6 pm, there is more meds, then prayers at 6:15. We chat for a few minutes after that and then come back to room and dinner is waiting for you. Due to jetlag, I slept from 8 pm to 5 am last night. It was perfect! I was falling asleep during prayers! The food is really good and a bunch of variety of soups, beans, vegetables and rice. I cant wait to repeat some of it at home. It is all seasoned very well and is a lot. Last night, Barbara and I were so full and so tired, that we completely skipped our dinner. They come with something every 2 hours to our room- water, breakfast, tea, grain soup, lunch, more tea, coconut water, papaya fruit, more tea, dinner, pineapple dessert, more water. It eve great the way it is served in small stackable canisters and everything is in steel. All of the girls are lovely and smiling all the time. The room is very nice with 2 beds, a lovely terrace surrounded by trees (with a bed) a sitting area for eating, a large armour for our clothes, etc. there is a safe and key within the closet. The bathroom is big with a bunch of space for boudae and shower. My roommate is Barbara, who just a lovely woman. She was one of my classmates and is ray of light with a loving heart. I love her. I think its wonderful that she and I have been on the same sleeping schedule! We were both up at 2 am today. The jetlag is doing us in. We smile at each other since we are both falling asleep during evening prayers and can barely eat our dinner! I am writing this for the benefit of her family as well. She would like you all to know how shes doing. She says hello and she loves you and she is so happy to be here! There are currently 40 people being treated here, from Australia, Switzerland, Germany and London. There is another guy across the hall in our block from New York. He has been here for almost 2 months. There is also a woman that comes to turn down the bed and drop the mosquito netting for the night. She burns a very strong incense (frankincense), like church. She literally sets it on fire on our room. The smell is amazing. You can see the smoke drifting out the windows. I believe it is to keep away the insects. Now I am concerned about what it is she may be trying to keep away. At first, I was afraid to get into bed and did not want to leave my slippers on the floor. I put them in my bed with me. I did not want to turn the lights off, etc....but I took my courage. The bed is very firm with a low pillow. I thought I was going to wake up completely in pain, but I did not. I slept like a stone. But I was afraid to step out of bed without the lights on. I was expecting to find some kind of large bugs. I took my courage and I was pleasantly surprised that there were absolutely none! Not even in the bathroom or anywhere. The nets truly are for just small mosquitos only!!! Yay! There is nothing to fear in here! Just in case, I now have a small flashlight, but I have never seen a thing. All is well! I had an easy time to take a nice, hot shower and I washed my clothes that I wore on the 3 planes it took to get here. I hung them on the terrace to dry in the sun. The temperature is absolutely perfect. It is warm and sunny, but with the way the buildings and walkways are constructed, it keeps us all cool and happy. A little spritz of rosewater on my face and it is divine. Even at night, we keep all of the windows open and the doors to the patio. With the overhead fan going, the temperature us perfect. Even when laying in bed at night, the temperature seems to be the same as your body. You cannot perceive it. All you hear is the turning of the overhead fan, the ticking of the clock and a little rustle of the trees an occasional breeze. All is right in the world. You are to wear loose and comfortable clothes and cover your shoulders. All woman wear shawls. Your hair is covered in oil, so their is no need to iron it or use any products. In fact, neem paste is used instead of shampoo. There is no need for makeup or jewelry. You are not to cut your nails or hair. This means no shaving the legs. Everything is extremely clean and you must remove your shoes anytime you step inside, weather it be the yoga hall, your own room and even the office. This is a teaching about keeping dirt outside of your sanctuary environment. We are living in sundresses, shawls and flip flops. No make up, no hair spray. Revealing our true selves. Now I have had my first abhyanga treatment. I can see why this was retained for royalty. Unamaya is the name of the girl who came to get me for my treatment. The treatment room is 50 feet from my front door within the same building as my room. She directs me where to change and seems pleasantly surprised that I dont bother using the small, cotton loincloth. It only gets in the way. She has me sit on the edge of the large wooden table and prays over the oil. She proceeds to coat me from head to toe and may hair, it whats seems to be a gallon of medicated oil. She is always asking me if the pressure is ok and if my back hurts at all. The doctor has made her aware of my condition. She is giving me a vigorous massage, not of my muscles, but of the lymphatic system. She has me sit, lay, twist, etc to get every part of the body. I am basically sliding all over the table. We laughed together at it. After she is done, she leads me to a huge beautiful bathroom and proceeds to give me a shower. She scrubs me down with neem powder paste and washes my hair. She is continuously dumping large amounts of fresh, hot water and it feels amazing. She then steps up on a ledge to tie my hair up in a thin, pure cotton towel. I am amazed at how these towels work. Then I get dressed again and she dots my Anja Chakra and Throat Chakra with the red sandalwood powder. I raise my hands in prayer formation to tell her thank you and she sends me on my way with a smile. I will do this everyday while I am here. Then, there will also be additional treatments for my back. It is amazing. Time seems to stand still. You are in a completely chemical free, but very clean environment. You are brought food and tea every 2 hours with a smile. The birds are singing. You start and end everyday with incredible vedic chanting. It is quite wonderful. There are some people who have been here for 6 weeks. It has changed their life forever. I can see how being here for awhile will make it strange to enter back into a world full of chemicals. We will see how it goes. I have written in this over the course of 2 days and I am finishing it at 3 am. Jetlag still has me off schedule. I feel so grateful to be here and I am I so grateful for the technology that allows me to share this experience with you. I will share some pictures on a couple days. Namaskar and hugs from the Motherland.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:16:55 +0000

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