Influential Islamia School Kargil extends support to PDP We will - TopicsExpress


Influential Islamia School Kargil extends support to PDP We will liberate Ladakh from mentality of siege: Mufti JK poised for political, economic transformation: Beigh Kargil, Nov 15: Resolving to liberate the mountain locked regions of J&K from the state of siege, PDP Patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said that places like Kargil and Leh would be brought into the economic and development mainstream. Addressing large public meetings at Kargil and Drass, Mufti said the tremendous potential of these areas will be harnessed for the benefit of residents by improving connectivity and addressing political urges and socio-economic needs. Accompanied by senior PDP leader and Member Parliament Muzaffar Hussain Beigh and Moulvi Imran Raza Ansari and the local candidate Haji Inayat Ali, Mufti went to the Islamia School Kargil, the famous seminary to hold discussions with its president Aga Jamal and other scholars. They latter went in a procession alongwith the Islamia School leadership upto the venue of the public meeting after Islamia School extended its support to the PDP’s political and developmental vision. Mufti said PDP’s vision of Jammu and Kashmir becoming a bridge between India and Pakistan contains the important feature of opening Kargil-Skardu road. He said the decision taken on reopening this road and starting a bus service on its was taken by India and Pakistan many years back but because of lack of follow-up there was no movement forward on this initiative. “PDP would work for its implementation alongwith its engagement with the union government to strengthen the cross-LoC confidence building measures which have direct impact on places like Kargil and Drass which have immensely suffered the impact of hostility in the past.” Mufti said the winds of change blowing throughout the state have crossed Zojilla pass as well and it looks that Kargil is ready to become part of the political transition that the state is witnessing. He said the National Conference and Congress reduced governance to plunder of state resources and nefglected genuine needs of even those areas which had remained loyal to them inspite of their failures and repeated let downs. Mufti said Leh and Kargil were the shining examples of PDP’s policy of empowerment of regions, sub-regions and the common citizens. He said the establishment of Hill Development Councils in Leh and Kargil represented an ideal administrative response to the complex problems of the State where people have to face hardships on account of topography, climate and distances. “I am satisfied that in our brief tenure we could empower you to run your own government locally, But it is regrettable that NC-Cog government degenerated the functioning of Hill Development Councils infighting for power, positions and helping the favourities, while ignoring the actual agenda of development,” he said and added that we will set right the functioning of the Hill Development Council once the PDP is able to form the next government.Appreciating the initiative of the Islamia School and Haji Inayat Ali, the President of its Youth Wing, in joining hands with PDP, Mufti said Inayat would be the representative of Kargil in the next cabinet which God willing the PDP would constitute.Referring to the inability of the UPA government at the Centre and in the State to carry forward the work on upgradation of Srinagar-Leh highway, Mufti said Zojilla tunnel should have been ready by now, but it was restricted only to foundation stone laying 2 years back without any follow up work. He said the new government would make an effort to have the construction work started both from Sonamarg and Drass ends.About the energy needs of the Kargil, Mufti said the Suru Hydel Project would be taken up in the state sector and the functioning of Chutak project would be streamlined. Similarly, places like Drass and Suru valley would be developed as independent tourist destinations, like Leh and Kashmir valley Kargil also can benefit from tourism as it has so far been deprived of the benefits of its immense tourism potential.Mufti said the horticulture having a good potential in many areas of Kargil and apricot being its main produce the next government would develop it substantially alongwith other farming activities including livestock development,. He said add value to apricot, food processing units would be set up to increase the returns to the farmers.Addressing the rallies Muzaffar Hussain Beigh appealed to the people to vote wisely in the elections so as not to waste it by using the ballot in favour of those parties who have no chance of forming the government. He said the formation of the next government by PDP under the leadership of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed is writing on the wall and it will be share wastage of some still sides with parties like NC or the Congress who have been rejected thoroughly in the Parliament elections.Beigh said the state is poised for a revolution not just on political front but development as well after the coming elections. “For regions like Kargil and Leh it will be beneficial to bond politically with rest of the State so as to become partners in this change and revive the development process that the previous PDP-led government had initiated.Addressing the gathering Moulvi Imran Raza Ansari said the youth will have to actively work for the change that is taking place in the state to shape their own future. He said PDP is an organization that thinks and works differently in order to provide space for everybody who is interested in the welfare of the state and its people. He expressed the hope that the new atmosphere of hope generated in Kargil will help the party to enlist the support of younger generation and write a new destiny for them. PDP candidate for Kargil Assembly segment Haji Inayat Ali also addressed the rallies.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:24:45 +0000

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