Inline skating is one of few affordable activities that is fun, - TopicsExpress


Inline skating is one of few affordable activities that is fun, healthy and suitable for all ages. With proper instruction, inline skating’s basic techniques can be learned in a relatively short time. It’s a recreational sport that can be taken seriously, and an outdoor activity that can come indoors. Inline activities can create excitement and relieve tension at the same time, if you want them to. Inline skating has no size restrictions, although your size may change if you do it enough. Inline skating is a great way to stay out of big trouble with little inconvenience. If you are the type that needs a more specific reason to skate, we’ve got some more answers below that may be right for you. 1/ Inline Skating is Social Groups, clubs, couples and friends who love inline skating will find that there’s no better way to bond than on wheels. And it’s a wonderful way to develop new friendships, too. Wearing inline skates puts everyone on an equal footing regardless of skill level and provides lots of opportunities for conversation, laughter, sharing and empathy. And there are opportunities all over the world to use inline skating as a celebration or dating activity: # The weekly Pari Roller, which began in 1994, may be the biggest weekly social skating event in the world. # There are other big social skates in other countries, too, like the London skates. # Die-hard inline skaters may be pleasantly surprised to find social and fitness skating on cruise ships today. # An inline skating outing is a great option for dating. 2/ Inline Skating Loves Families Every member of the family who can walk can participate in inline skating activities at the same time and in the same location. In fact, everyone from toddlers to grandparents can go to the park or visit a skating center together. 3/ Inline Skating Offers Solitude So you prefer to be a loner on skates. Inline skating is a great way to fly solo. Enjoy the wind in your hair and let peace envelope you. You can plan your own exploration of rail trails and other scenic locations. Or let your iPod entrance you if the trail isn’t busy. 4/ Inline Skating Provides Cross Training The modern version of inline skates re-emerged as an off-ice training tool for hockey players. Now, they are used by speed skaters, figure skaters, downhill skiers, cyclists and a runners as a fitness and training tool, too. In fact, many athletes can benefit from cross training on inline skates, because it puts less stress on joints than running and jogging but provides the same aerobic benefit. 5/ Inline Skating as Transportation Reap the benefits of being a pedestrian while enjoying the speed of a small vehicle. Your inline skates are a wonderful way to transport yourself from one place to another, especially if there is a scenic view. But wait, there’s more. Once you arrive at your destination, there’s no need to pay for parking. Just take your vehicles with you. 6/ Inline skating is green Motorbikes, go carts and jet skis burn precious gas and emit poisonous fumes. Inline skate and help save the world while having fun, because you are the fuel that powers your green skating adventure. 7/ Inline Skating Equals Physical and Mental Fitness Burn some calories, tone some muscles, relieve a little stress, get an aerobic workout, strengthen your heart and clear your mind. Let inline skating help you build a strong body and mind. 8/ Inline Skating is for Thrill Seekers Wind skating, aggressive, downhill and off road inline skating can fulfill every thrill seekers dreams. Or nightmares depending on who’s dreaming. If find that you are interested in diving into a specific skating activity, focus on building your solid basic skills first, and then take a look at some more traditional roller sports. Or for something different, try these unusual roller sports. 9/ Inline Skating is Competitive Hockey, speed, figure, freestyle and aggressive inline skating activities are for anyone who loves to choose goals and fight for them. Inline basketball and soccer are among the new inline sports that are there for those skating pioneers who dare to be different. 10/ Inline Skating is Flexible Enjoy an activity that can be all that you want it to be, where you want to do it and when you’ve got the time for it. Morning, noon or night there is a place to inline skate. Choose social, fitness or competitive…you can have inline skating your way.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:42:30 +0000

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