Inner Defense Supplement - Ward off Infections Before they get a - TopicsExpress


Inner Defense Supplement - Ward off Infections Before they get a Chance! Inner Defense Supplement contains essential oils that are antibacterial, antiviral and anti-infectious properties. It is a natural antiviral supplement and as such it is safe for human and animal use; although some of the oils contained in this product are usually not recommended during pregnancy. Did you know that this product contains the same oils used to protect against and kill plague in the 15th Century? Yes, it contains Thieves™ Oil Blend which was developed based on the ingredients found in the Four Thieves Vinegar or Marseilles Vinegar. The vinegar was first prepared by thieves who robbed graves that worked in the spice industry! The oils contained in this product also help to boost the immune system. take one every day to ward off flus, bugs and illnesses. take Inner Defense at the onset of symptoms of kidney and urinary tract infections to kill it before it settles in for good. There are eleven essential oils in Inner Defense gelcaps in a virgin coconut oil base. The oils are listed below along with a brief description of each oil. Clove Essential Oil (Syzygium aromaticum) has antiseptic, antiviral, anti-infectious and antifungal properties. It is COX inhibitor (anti-inflammatory) and has one of the highest ORAC values of any plant in the world! Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon) has antiseptic and immune stimulating properties. It is purifying and uplifting. Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil (Cinnamomum verum) has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infectious and antifungal properties. It is COX inhibitor (anti-inflammatory) and is a strong oxygenator. Eucalyptus Essential Oil (Eucalyptus radiata) has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infectious and antifungal properties. Strong antiviral effect on the respiratory system. Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol) has antiseptic and anti-infectious properties. Reduces mental fatigue and eases anxiety. Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum vulgare) is anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral. Lemongrass Essential Oil (Cymbopogon flexuosus) has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and antibacterial properties. Known to repair connective tissue and especially good for ligaments and tendons. Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana) is antibacterial and antifungal. It smoothes muscle tissue and relieves muscle spasms, headaches and calms the nerves. Thyme Essential Oil (Thymus vulgaris CT thymol) has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It dramatically increases glutathione production in the liver, brain and the heart. It also prevents the oxidation of fats and helps retard the aging process. Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum minutiflorum) is anti-infectious, antibacterial and antiviral. Oregano Essential Oil (Origanum onites) is strongly antimicrobial. What are the Documented Uses for Inner Defense Supplement? Addison’s Disease, AIDS, Anthrax, bird flu, bladder infections, boils, blood clots, bronchitis, cancer, Candida, canker sores, chicken pox (herpes zoster), chronic fatigue, cold sores (herpes simplex type 1), colds, congestive cough, Cushing’s Disease, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, food poisoning, h1n1, immune depression, diabetes, Epstein Barr, gangrene, gingivitis, Graves Disease, gonorrhea, flu, Hashimotos Disease (hypothyroidism), immune system, infection (bacterial and viral), infectious disease, influenza, kidneys (infection and inflammation), Lupus, Lyme Disease, Measles, Mononucleosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Mumps, nasopharyngitis, nephritis, pain relieving (analgesic), parasites, periodontitis, plague, pneumonia, respiratory system, Rheumatic Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Schmidt’s Syndrome, sinus infections, stomach virus, stress, sore throat, spider bite (brown recluse), strep throat, syphilis, tick and chigger bites, tonsillitis, thrush, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, urinary tract infection, viral disease, viruses, West Nile Virus and whooping cough. What Body Systems are Affected? Immune System How do I use Inner Defense Supplement? Take one capsule per day or as required. For better results, take in the morning and take any probiotic supplement 8 hours later. During times of stress or illness take 3-5 capsules throughout the day. Can this oil be used for Animals? Yes. Cats will not like the taste of this and the capsule is too much to feed so will have to open the cap and use a very small amount in a syringe to feed orally. Small dogs usually tolerate one capsule; 1-2 for medium; and 2-3 for large. Split them up. One capsule may turn around a case of diarrhea pretty quickly. If not, then you may have to head to the vet. You can feed these to horses..the problem is most wont eat them out of the grain, so it can be tough. Feed in between any probiotic. Note about animals: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. Citrus products and oils in particular. Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet. What are the Safety Precautions? Pregnant women (or animals) should not take this supplement without a physicians consult. Best taken separate from Probiotic supplement. Those who have acid reflux may have difficulty taking this supplement.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:02:49 +0000

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