#Insert 23 ******** (When we got there, we got the paper and - TopicsExpress


#Insert 23 ******** (When we got there, we got the paper and went back home.. I was so tired so I went to my room and RT went through the results.. I bathed, got into my pjs and went to dream land.. I was woken up by my mom..) Mom- Wake up.. Rea- Im awake woman.. Mom- Have a bath, get dressed and meet me downstairs.. Rea- Are we going somewhere.? Mom- Yes, we going to get you some stuff for school and you need new clothes.. Rea- Wow.. What did I do right.? Mom- Nothing.. Cant a mother spoil her only daughter.? Rea- Right.. Lemme bath.. Mom- Your brother is coming with.. Rea- Oh.. Nice.. (She left my room and I took a bath.. I got in a pair of high wasted black jeans, a white vest, a black jean jacket and a pair of white chucks.. I put on my glasses, took my phone and purse; then went downstairs..) Rea- Im done.. Mom- How much do you have in there.? Rea- Nothing.. Im broke.. RT- Your a kid, you dont need money.. Mom- How much do you need for the month.? RT- She will do just fine with R100.. Rea- Could you shut up.? Mom- Ok.. Ratanang, should I put R200 into your bank account.? RT- Mom, Im a man.. And I need some money for more text books.. Mom- Ok.. I will talk to your father about that.. Can we go.? RT- Yeah.. And I also need some cash.. Rea- You demand too much.. RT- You should.. Mom- Enough you two.. Come, lets go.. (We gave each other that eye look.. We got in her car and drove to the mall, not the mall we usually go to, another one that is a few towns away.. We went inside, got clothes and lots of shoes.. Im a shoe addict, I love shoes and RT loves chains and caps.. He has more than 50 caps and I find that weird.. We got more clothes for everyone and I got these sneakers I have always wanted..:D. We got some stationary and all those stuff.. We had lunch at Spur and got McDonald for supper.. I sat at the back of my moms rover with the stationary and the food.:/. We drove home, on the way..) Mom- Dont you guys want to visit uncle Thato.? RT- Who is that.? Rea- Another one of moms high school loves.. Mom- No.. He was a friend.. Rea- Mmmhm.. Mom- Dont make that sound.. RT- Mom, you can visit him.. Just take us home.. Rea- No.. I wanna meet uncle Thato.. RT- Rea, mom is gonna stay for supper, it wont just be a greet and meet thing.. Mom- Take a taxi home then.. RT- I dont even remember how to stop a taxi.. Rea- Mom, ask uncle Thato to bring you home and we will take the car.. Mom- Hahaha.. No. RT- But mom, we dont know this place.. Mom- I will drop you off at the taxi rank.. Rea- Woman.? Mom- You heard me.. RT- Ok.. Lets visit uncle Thato then.. Mom- Yes.. (We drove to uncle Thatos place and he was there, he was so sweet and it wasnt bad.. She had a daughter, which she and I got along very well.. She showed around the whole place, we got some chows and just chilled.. RT chilled with uncle Thatos first daughter, who was also nice.. Mom called me when we had to leave, and I didnt wanna leave.:/. I was really enjoying myself, I guess I missed having a girl conversation.. We went home, had supper with dad and watched a family movie together.. Mom and dad went to bed and we watched more movies.. RT went to get whatever he went to get, his phone rang and I answered it..) Rea- Hello.. Girl- Babe, hy.. Rea- Hy.. Babe, umm, who is this.? Girl- Who are you.? Rea- Im RTs sister, who are you.? Girl- Oh.. Umm, Mamello is my name.. Rea- Ok.. Meme, what can I do for you.? Meme- Is RT there.? Rea- No, he is out with his friends.. Can I take a message.? Meme- Just tell him I called.. Rea- Ok.. Bye.. Meme- Bye.. Rea- Wait, are you guys dating.? Meme- You dont know.? Rea- No. Not until now, I cant believe this.. Meme- Cant believe what.? Rea- That he.. Didnt tell me.. Meme- I told you.. Bye.. Rea- Sharp.. (RT is cheating Rorisang.?? How could he do that to her.? Why would he do that to her.? He came back with a pack of lays chips.. His phone was still on my hand..) RT- What were you doing with my phone.? Rea- Ratanang, who is Mamello.? RT- Why do you go through my phone.? Rea- Are you cheating Rorisang.? RT- You should mind your own business.. (He took his phone from my hand in anger..) Rea- Why Ratanang.? RT- Rea, please.. Rea- No I want to know.. Rori loves you.. RT- You think I dont know that.?! You think Im doing this on purpose.? Rea- Then why.? RT- I dont know.. Rea- Im going to tell her.. RT- She knows.. Rea- What.?! I hope she dumped you.. RT- No, she didnt.. Shes just not talking to me.. Rea- Your a jerk.. RT- I know.. I just want to have fun, I dont think Im ready for this whole commitment stuff.. Rea- I thought you loved her.. RT- Trust me, thats what I thought.. Rea- So you dont.?! RT- I dont know.. What I know for sure is, I dont wanna loose her.. Rea- Then stop cheating her, you.. RT- Jerk.? Rea- Yes.. RT- Im trying.. Rori is a good kid, she studies, we cuddle and make love.. Meme is crazy, we party, we get wild.. I want both.. Rea- But you cant have them.. RT- Yeah, I know.. But Rori.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:05:58 +0000

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