Instant Authority Branding Strategy Virtually Anyone Can Use - TopicsExpress


Instant Authority Branding Strategy Virtually Anyone Can Use Successfully Here are the simple steps and the lessons I learned during the process of using what I consider to be a powerful Authority Branding Strategy virtually anyone can use in any niche or industry. Using this strategy instantly catapulted my brand/name Kunle Olomofe across the web in just days. Google results for my brand went from just 3,600+ to a whopping 23,000+ in less than 72 hours (see attached image)! Now Id like to share how you can enjoy the same kind of exposure from applying a very simply strategy I believe will work no matter where you live and work... Pro & Con of this kind of instant fame: Over the past 3-4 days after using this strategy Ive been too busy to work on anything else than tracking and handling the comments, emails, and other results it generated). So whats the strategy? Simple: Write and Submit Extremely High Profile (Preferably Polarizing) News Related Opinion or Strategy Articles to the first reputable news blog, web site or other medium that will accept your piece. The best part is you can do this locally so that you dont need to always aim for the largest and most difficult to reach media outlets. I chose a high profile local news blog, picked up the phone and got an OK for my article in under 20 minutes on the phone. Why? Heres what I think... 1. The topic I selected to write about was hot and trending at that precise moment, 2. I was able to easily convince the editor I spoke to that Im an expert on the topic I was offering to talk about, 3. I knew my angle would be controversial enough to stand out and get noticed by the people I really wanted to reach--that is those for and against my point of view and I know the media like to get good debates going as well as help spread helpful tips (yes they like spreading bad news too but I am not interested in this nor do I advice focusing on doing so unless youre doing this to help bring attention to a pressing situation and will save lives, businesses, families etc by doing so--your choice but thats my advice because focusing on spreading bad news will usually come back to haunt you one way or another--again what you choose to do with this strategy is up to you, but thats just not the way I would use this opportunity if I can avoid it). So, my article idea was accepted and I was given till the end of the day to submit my article. I got writing immediately and spent several hours perfecting the article. I sent it in, crossed my fingers and waited for it to either be accepted fully, rejected, or sent back with suggestions for corrections. Turns out it was accepted without any issues and published within hours of my sending it in. NOTE: I was expecting SOME interest from doing this, but I was truly blown away by the response it got on social media, and especially how quickly it spread my name to thousands of blogs within hours. In fact to say it spread my brand like wild fire would be a huge understatement. Within the first 24 - 31 hours my name had spread to 3,000+ NEW blogs across several countries, and has now (as I type this) ended up on at least 20,000 news blogs worldwide after just 3 days! Many of these blogs attract millions of page views daily, weekly and monthly which is possibly the reason for the massive spread of the content. Im learning a lot from the experience and grateful and humbled it worked so well. Heres what Ive picked up so far from the experience... 1. Pick a VERY popular or trending name, topic, situation and write a powerful, thought provoking opinion piece on it. The more popular (and polarizing) the better. I dont much like to polarize folks but the simple truth is that is what will often get the interest of the public because it will set off all sorts of debates on a topic and many will learn from those debates as much as they do from your article. But rather than just stir up strife focus on sharing extreme value in your article for those who WILL want to learn to better themselves as a result of reading your opinion or expert tips. 2. Submit it to top news sites or blogs that ask for authoritative guest blog posts. I was lucky with this. I simply called one of the most popular news blogs in the country and asked them if theyd like to publish my article on a controversial topic that was really hot and only about 1-2 days old and was clearly driving a lot of folks crazy in the sense that some loved the story and others were ticked off by what they saw happening. I was on the side of those who were ticked off and was apparently the first or one of the first in the nation and the world to write and submit a full opinion piece on it from the angle I wrote about. Within 4 hours of that article being published, again I was lucky to have one of the biggest news blogs on the continent pick up the article from the site that had accepted it and things just went really nuts from there. Feedback was obviously varied from people who thought the worst of me to those who praised me for speaking up and teaching them something new. You have to be ready for reactions and be mature about responding because once youre in the spotlight everything you do or say will be instantly magnified and sometimes taken out of context, so dont lose control and give people reasons to doubt your sanity, reliability and professionalism. Whatever happens keep your cool. 3. Always remember that the press/media will often try to sensationalize stories for more exposure and be ready to be misquoted:) It seems to me (and I may be wrong about this) that the editor I submitted my article to thought the title I used was not polarizing enough and edited it to get more attention. Hey thats their job and thats why they get the millions of extra views and shares, they KNOW how to draw the attention of their audiences. I did give them a polarizing title but I also wanted to be sure it was clear it was an opinion article and not a fact based one and wrote my title to reflect that. The editor changed the title to be fact based (as opposed to the speculative approach we had discussed) possibly to garner more interest. Thankfully she did not edit a single word (as far as I could tell) in the article itself. In any case, get title change appeared to work because the article really took off. Also very thankfully people didnt just see the title and make assumptions, many seemed to actually read the entire article and saw that I was not just trying to be sensational but had a point to share and dozens of people came to my defense against those who had opposing views. I have to add that it was very nice to see strangers understand my POV and be bold enough to stand up and defend it as if it was their own article. Very heart warming. So if you aim at being a controversial voice (for good NOT evil--I MUST emphasize this again!) then as I said, be ready to be misquoted anyway, it may or may not help your cause, but whatever happens always be ready to bounce back if you do get misquoted. Its not the end of the world and as in my case may end up not even being important to the people who matter to you as an audience. There are more lessons here but I wanted to keep this short and sweet. OK well sweet anyway even if 1,300+ words isnt all that short :) Im happy to read and respond to your comments (+ and -) and also answer any questions as best I can. Cheers, Kunle Olomofe
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:57:27 +0000

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