Instyle杂志11月号访问番外篇:7个问答 - TopicsExpress


Instyle杂志11月号访问番外篇:7个问答 (转自taylor吧) 7 Great Quotes We Couldn’t Fit Into Our November Cover Story with Taylor Swift In addition to the gorgeous, supermodel-like pictures of Taylor Swift inside InStyle‘s November issue, on newsstands now, the 23-year-old also opens up to writer Lesley Rotchford about everything from finally having guy friends to admitting that she’s never truly been in love (yet). While the interview is loaded with honest, heartfelt admissions from the singer, there’s a whole lot more of the conversation that didn’t make it into our pages. (For starters, her best relationship advice, the last time she cried, and what makes her happy.) Check out the tidbits we just couldn’t squeeze in below, and pick up InStyle‘s November issue, available on newsstands and for digital download now. 1. Fave song to sing on tour: “‘Trouble.’ It was the furthest thing people expected on this album, and I loved making something that sounded like nothing I had done before.” 1.巡演中最爱唱的歌:“I knew you were trouble”. 因为这首歌是这专中人们最意想不到的歌。我喜欢创作出听起来和以前不一样的歌。 2. Coolest celeb she’s met at an awards show: “Mick Jagger. He was such gentleman. We met and then he asked me to sing with The Rolling Stones in Chicago.” 2. 颁奖礼上遇到最棒的名人:“Mick Jagger。(滚石主唱),他真是有绅士风度。当时见面了他就邀请我去芝加哥和滚石乐队一起合唱了” 3. Best relationship advice you’ve given to a friend: “Actually, I think you have to know that whatever advice you give, they may not take it. The priority should be on keeping the friendship rather than giving the best advice. Your best advice is usually, ‘Walk away from him! Tell him you never want to see him again!’ But if you are dealing with someone still in love, nothing you say can change their feelings. All you can do is be there for them and pick them up every time they get hurt. Until, that is, they are ready to move on for themselves.” 3.你给过朋友最好的恋爱建议:事实上我觉得你应该要清楚,无论你给了什么建议,他们不一定接受。维持恋爱关系最为重要,而不是给出最好的建议。有人的好建议就是”甩了他啦!告诉他你这辈子都不想再见他了。“但是你处理的是一段仍然还有感情的一段恋爱,你说什么也改变不了他们的感觉的。你所能做的就是一直支持他们,当他们受伤时扶持他们。直到他们能够自己在这段恋情走下去。 4. Fashion style she tries to avoid: “Pencil skirts. It’s a weird look for me.” 4.不会尝试的衣着风格:铅笔裙,我穿起来会很诡异的感脚。 5. What life will look like at 30: “I envision a lot of coziness and warmth. I don’t know where I stand on family and kids right now because I can’t picture things without all the pieces of the puzzle. I don’t even have a semblance of an idea of a boyfriend right now. I don’t even have a mental daydream of who he would be. And who that person is determines what the rest of the puzzle looks like.” 5.30岁的生活会怎样:我想象的是一种很舒适很温暖的生活。我现在预想不到我以后的家庭还有孩子,因为正如缺失了拼图,我无法拼凑出以后的生活。我现在也想象不到男朋友是什么样的。我也不会老是发白日梦想他会是谁。而那个人就是那缺失的拼图,决定我以后的生活。 6. Last time she cried: “Have you ever seen that commercial for Dawn with the baby ducks with oil all over them from a spill, and they get baths using Dawn? And then they are set free? And they do the same thing with some otters. I cried hysterically!” 6.最近一次哭:你有看过那个Dawn的广告吗,小鸭子都被漏油浸满全身,然后他们用Dawn的产品帮它们洗澡?然后他们放鸭子走了?他们对水獭也干过这样的事。当时我哭得超惨的。 7. Last time she was blissfully happy: “The other day. I was with friends, paddle boarding out in a harbor. We were laying out on our boards and talking. It was a beautiful day.” 7.最近一次开心时刻:不久前,我和小伙伴们在划舟,然后我们就躺在滑板上聊天。真开心的一天
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:34:57 +0000

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