Interesting Times Michael L. Ford, Th.D. 28 February 2014 It - TopicsExpress


Interesting Times Michael L. Ford, Th.D. 28 February 2014 It is considered a better condition to live in uninteresting times and have a quiet life. In fact the blessing “May you live in interesting times” is considered a curse. Robert Kennedy thought it an ancient Chinese curse when he used it in a speech in 1966. But it is more likely it originated in the first part of the Twentieth Century in the Western part of the world. We live in interesting times and since the Lord God determines when a man is born into the world I, for one, would have it no other way. Otherwise I would not have the privilege of seeing prophecy being brought to fulfillment. One of the things of interest is the increasing use of the word “messiah or messianic” in relation to public figures. This has been dominant in relation to President Obama and now Secretary of State John Kerry. Indeed a highly placed Israeli official as well as prominent Christian newsman have referred to Kerry as having a “messiah complex.” Bill Koenig remarked he thought the man had a personal mission to bring about the so-called “two state solution” but it was like he had been somewhere else for the past ten years and now thought ideas that had not worked in the past his own. It is amazing how much self-delusion is observable among men even when you know the Bible foretold such things. Though virtually everyone knows Persia, which is modern day Iran is among the ones who invade Israel in the great war we see in Ezekiel 38-39, not too many are aware of other Scripture related to that part of the world. Some Bible prophecy scholars think the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s words concerning a portion of modern Iran, which was ancient Elam, will be fulfilled prior to that time. I am referring specifically to Jeremiah 49: 34-39. It is in this area where Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor is located. Words about God bringing the winds of the four quarters of heaven against them could be the description of a nuclear explosion or massive meltdown. Another thing we can observe is that when the USA applies pressure against Israel we see serious events happening in America. Bill Koenig wrote a book called Eye to Eye which chronicled such events up to the time it was published. The events have continued since. Most recently we have seen serious storms, earthquakes, and sink holes around the country that coincide with the administration taking sides against Israel. To overlook the consistency with which this happens speaks of a blindness that is amazing. Right now the world is more unsettled than I have ever seen it. I well remember the loss of trust and uncertainty that pervaded the world when the United States pulled out of Vietnam, and not because the military lost the war, for it did not. Now the world is again unsettled because people in high places are failing even more massively that they did then. The military defeats the enemy and the politicians squander the victories away. Dick Cheney said America’s enemies do not fear it, and its allies do not trust it. In the meantime Wall Street financial people are committing suicide like they did in the Great Depression and men’s hearts are failing them for fear even as foretold concerning the Last Days. These are interesting times indeed.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:58:13 +0000

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