Interestingly,nobody has told you that the 200 charred bodies - TopicsExpress


Interestingly,nobody has told you that the 200 charred bodies going viral on FB from the streets of Bentiu are Muslims from Darfur who had sheltered in a mosque.Sad that no christian or christian leader has taken the trouble to probe & even condemn these killings.One street rapper Imortal technique once noted in one of his songs God is not religion God is spiritual BONDING.As a christian,I hate bigotry and if this cleansing was done in the name of God I say--the God I worship is not the God of violence.Shame on the south Sudanese politicians Salva Kiir Mayardite & Dr. Riek Machar Teny & Raila Odinga as the senior most Luo alive must now summon these two decorated Luos to order.Equally I wonder ow succefull Uhuru Kenyatta was in rallying AU to blunt his case at ICC but cant rally the same to stop tis blood rivulet from turing into a full blown river. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma shame on you. Jacob Zuma & Yoweri Kaguta Museveni shame on you too..Ban Ki Moon I ope you burn the moonBarack Obama & François Hollande is syria & Ukraine more important than South Sudan? Are syrians & Ukrainians more human beings than south sudanese? CNN & Aljazeera shame on you too--the real genocide is in south sudan,leave crimeans alone they decided to be part of Russia.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 18:59:37 +0000

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