Internet marketing and social media training mastery for - TopicsExpress


Internet marketing and social media training mastery for 2015! Lets face it if youre are in business anywhere in North America, you absolutely need the following: A) A website, the last time you went to look for a new product or service Im sure if you are like the majority of people out there you went on the Google or Bing ( possibly even Yahoo) LOL and popped in your key phrase, and then voila, you started clicking on websites to see which one is credible and has what you wanted. If you dont have website yet then your competition is stealing all your leads off the Internet. Im still amazed that 50% of businesses in North America (Canada and USA ) still have the website. Thats a big mistake!!!! If you need a website here is a great place to start B) Getting your website to page 1 of Google, why it is so important to be number one on page one of Google like us? ( Calgary Marketing Company A number 1 ranking in Google: attracts the lion share of visitor clicks and gets a lot more clicks than no2 position, and vastly more than the other 8 listings in the SERP C) A social media lead generation program, why, because it will do two things for you. The first being creating a social media footprint which is one of the four key metrics that Google uses to measure for page 1 rankings. #2 being somebody might actually see your blog post on page one of Google if you do the Seo for them properly and then might actually call you off your blog or website. I get a ton of leads off of LinkedIn because when I post my blog postings I sent it out via a social media aggregator and other methods to all my LinkedIn groups. Then people go to my LinkedIn profile, I have an updated LinkedIn membership at cost me less than $100 a year and that I can message them off of that and figure out whether or not they are actually a warm lead or not. Im offering some phenomenal training happening on January 22nd and 23rd, its $1000 with the training for only $29 executiveedge1/webinar/index.html and its going to be chock full of information that directly applies to the Google algorithm changes that happen in 2014 and what Ive learned to do for myself from the people I pay $1000 month to for what to do in 2015 moving forward. I even have a coupon company helping me promote it So do yourself and your company a favor, and come to this great training session where I always over deliver. Allan Fine executiveedge1 [email protected] • Kick-off your online course with a goal-setting exercise, intended to help each participant set goals and create a game plan, based on their current knowledge/level of expertise • 50% of companies still have no website, will show you how to get a website at a great price, or take your current website and make it even better! • Learn the secret formula for ranking on page 1 of a Google search. ( Just Calgary marketing Company ) • Find out the importance of a blog and its relation to the social media lead generation funnel. • Mobile website will be huge in 2015, find out why having your website mobilize will be so important. • Become schooled in WordPress SEO, including which plug-ins are essential • Find out if your LinkedIn profile needs updating - or at least an upgrade! Learn how to see whos viewed your profile and how to contact fellow members, without an address. • See below, for more information regarding this fantastic course!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 10:45:18 +0000

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