Into His Presence The Gift of Forgiveness Scripture Reading - TopicsExpress


Into His Presence The Gift of Forgiveness Scripture Reading Matthew 18:21-35 Key verse: Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. That’s it. I’ve had it. No more chances,” the girl said in exasperation. For the umpteenth time, her good friend had done something that greatly annoyed her. After she dealt with the situation, the conflict would not leave her mind. The issue of repeat offenses made her think about the time that Jesus explained to Peter what unlimited forgiveness really means. We can easily become weary of forgiving, but it is essential to our spiritual health. Yet Jesus calls us to that kind of forgiveness. This girl shares the common feeling that there’s a limit to human patience. She is right. There is a limit to your emotional resources when you do not rely on Jesus to do the job of forgiving. Peter thought he was being gracious by suggesting the number seven as the maximum. Then Jesus blew apart his limited thinking. When Jesus died on the cross to pay for sin, He didn’t pay only for a select few. He paid for all of them, in full- no limitations or reservation or exceptions. As you deal with personal relationships and people hurt you, sometimes repeatedly, you can draw on the unlimited account of His forgiveness. You do not have to be concerned with protecting your rights and feelings because Jesus is in charge of taking care of you. You can never run out of love, the ingredient of forgiveness. Prayer Thank you Lord, for dying to pay for all my sin. Help me draw on the limitless account of your forgiveness as I deal with others. Jesus Loves You
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 06:36:07 +0000

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