Introduction: A lovely Lady in my life inspired this letter. It - TopicsExpress


Introduction: A lovely Lady in my life inspired this letter. It has a lot of concepts to express and therefore a bit lengthy but as with all my scribbling, I throw out a bit of humor along the way to making my point. Some of you may find my point a bit harsh but if you follow the clear line of logic, you will find reason in my words. All I can do is offer insight, I do not wish to force anyone to make a choice, your choice must be of your own free will but I urge you, to not just sit on the sidelines any longer. It won’t get better until you make it better. I dedicate this to Kathleen and incidentally it’s copyrighted under her name too. This is to everyone that considers themselves an American. If you consider yourself a something–something American or perhaps you’re ashamed of being an American then you need read no further. Its obvious to me such people are not only hopelessly confused but have no loyalty to their nation. Personally I shoot traitors, I don’t need a trial, or a court; just a bullet. There is no validating ‘explanation’ for treason in my book. America is not an elected Congress of pontificating baboons nor is it a sock-puppet, President that spews what ever the ‘teleprompted’ hand, stuck up his butt, makes him spew. America is not the ‘Cor-pirate’ interest as they have moved their interest overseas to save a buck, yet still hike their prices on their products here, to earn a profit. Crony Capitalism is no Capitalism just like Democracies are not Republics. America is a Constitutional Republic and people who cannot fathom that are too stupid to vote; see not a Democracy and why an Electoral College exists. You may not like hearing the reality but then nobody ever told you, life was fair. This brings us to the subject of law and justice, are they fair? From Lloyd of Hampstead’s Introduction to Jurisprudence, Third Edition; Stevens & Sons. London. 1972. Second Impression. 1975. Page 39: “Law is, generally, a system of rules which are enforced through social institutions to govern behaviors, although the term law has no universally accepted definition.” No, nothing fair about that now is there, so how about justice: “Justice, in its broadest context, includes both the attainment of that which is just and the philosophical discussion of that which is just. The concept of justice is based on numerous fields, and many differing viewpoints and perspectives including the concepts of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity and fairness. Often, the general discussion of justice is divided into the realm of social justice as found in philosophy, theology and religion, and, procedural justice as found in the study and application of the law.” I just pulled that one from Wikipedia as this definition is more accurate in description than many others and it defines law as being ensconced within justice, not that they are somehow the same thing, as many would have you believe and do believe. Law is not always just. Now for justice to be ‘fair’ it requires ethical, rational minds, working within the law to somehow achieve and equitable outcome and as most US courts still require to swear on a Bible, the moral compulsion is most often based in religious or a Christian framework. I’m sure there will be some complaints about that statement but I have no issue with how things work in court, rather I am compelled not by law but by my Faith to do right. I’m human though and fallible but I wouldn’t have that any other way either. So based on the US history, our courts have been using Faith not only to compel honesty in testimony but to insure an Oath to Justice by its practitioners. Looking at this in those terms it often confuses me when I hear about the oppression, slaughter, beheading and even enslavement of Christians by Islam, and one has to wonder where all the pacifism is coming from? No, not all Christians and certainly not all Clergy and yet a huge and disturbing amount seem inclined to not even mention the decades of tyranny that Christians and many other Faiths suffer in Islamic lands. While many like to attribute this behavior to ‘extremist’, when the extremist are attacking Buddhists and the moderates still say and do nothing, I’d say its not so mush extremist as it is an extreme ideology. While I know there is a certain amount of; “It’s their own damn fault for being in the way of Islam and maybe they should just move!” that isolationist, burying your head in the sand, ‘I don’t want to make waves’, thinking makes you as guilty as the Islamist ‘moderates’ that don’t speak out; at least in my eyes. Again, this isn’t about Law nor is it about fair, this is about Justice. In Justice, silence is consent. If you know a fact and don’t present it in court and allow an innocent person to die, you are just as guilty as if you had taken that life yourself. That is ethically and morally how Justice is supposed to work. It compels by holding you accountable not just for your actions but for your inaction as well. Justice is the living embodiment of the Christian ideal but it has been high jacked be secular ipso facto reestablishment of trying to define fair. “Do onto others that which you would have others do onto you;” or “Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you. This is not a secular concept rather it is a Judeo/Christian concept and far too many take it to mean turning the other cheek. That isn’t it at all but the secular ideology pushes the pacifistic theory of the quote. In reality it is taking accountability for not just yourself and treating your neighbor ‘justly’ but it holds you accountable to see your neighbor obliges that same accountability. So when someone gets their head lopped off and you ignore it because you don’t want to get involved or you see a thug beating someone and you turn and walk the other way, because you know ‘snitches get stitches’, that is how you too will be done unto. I’m sure there is some ‘New Age, Social Contract, Higher Order, and Spiritual Hippy want to be’, such as Russell Brand who would try to reason out my logic and make it sound heinous and violent but then, I couldn’t remember the actor’s name. So I typed in ‘douche bag, drug addled, Brit, ‘B-movie actor’ into my search engine and his name came right up. So maybe that first description of Brand isn’t so apt, incidentally George Harrison and John Lennon managed to end up on the previous search criteria. Russell will never fill those shoes, now will he? So, doing unto others has nothing to do with being a nice, quite, pacifist; you have neither the wisdom of Christ (and he knows this.) nor the patience of Job. You have a duty to stand and defend you fellow Christians as we Christians have a duty to defend all other Faiths being repressed by tyranny. I like to think of it as a debt to humanity for our own acts of repression and ignoring when we should have acted, through history. As I said, I’m human and not perfect neither are any of you. That is why you are here, to experience mortality and to prove your worthiness to a higher plain. I would love nothing more than to ‘turn the other cheek’ and have that inspire morality into the hearts of humanity but that tactic does not impress a people that still actively practice slavery and treat women as cattle and sometimes cattle as women. In that light we should even have PETA on board with us against the terror being promoted by Islam. Then again, too many run for cover if things look difficult and only emerge when the coast is clear. From my simple minded interpretation of ‘the meek shall inherit the Earth’, I’m thinking that is all well and good but The Lord, helps those that help themselves and that means being anything but meek in this period in history. That is why you have free speech, why you have the right to bear arms and why above any other nation in the world you are a ‘free people’ with free will! Use it, be the savior or hero you’re waiting for. Because based on my reading, the Lamb returns to Judge next time, not to save. Make your life worth saving. -Nuda Waya
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 05:52:12 +0000

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