Investigative Reporting; Some things go over the peoples head, - TopicsExpress


Investigative Reporting; Some things go over the peoples head, but, some things like where did the money go and why...that sticks with 99% of the population. Coming in April, the largest corporate shake down of the US and its Government will be revealed and we need to understand the basics. State Department under Climate Control Stationary is used to direct businesses around the Globe. After infiltrating the system and mismanaging money for their private interests. Proof is in the pudding or in the investigation of Benghazi where revealed is the arms trade. That is where this investigation shows the true colors of the Clintons involvement and the cover-up to keep their underground businesses, underground and growing, committed to running the world show narrowing down businesses allowed to participate, (Wolves). These activities do include acts that do go around Congress or right through it; while using the Government access for their sales team and cover-ups. Look at Malaysia, known for hauling illegal goods and connected to our State department thorough tentacles of masked trade and even Angel airbuses, scrapped of course. Even the Russian stand off was prompted by some corrupt deals that America should not have been apart of to start with. Reins joined the State Department as a Senior Advisor to United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she was sworn into office in January 2009, and he was later promoted to the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. After scrubbing of the talking points, Morell resigned from the CIA and joined Philippe Reines at Beacon Global Strategies. Beacon Global Strategies LLC (BGS) is a strategic advisory firm specializing in International Policy, Defense, Cyber, Intelligence, and Homeland Security. Hello? BGS Founders and Managing Directors have deep experience informed by their years of service in the White House, State Department, Defense Department, CIA, Justice Department, on Capitol Hill, and in the private sector. Drawing on our decades of service in the international security arena, we develop strategies and provide services that enable companies to achieve their business objectives, both in the United States and around the world. (Bold, even under oath, liars.) Thats the kind of people who will go before Congress and laugh in the investigations faces. They have somewhere to go before they will face jail time, you can be sure they are filthy rich and can and will go anywhere. I say send them packing. Even Hilary said she will never be questioned again, and Obama said, I will never be investigated as long as I am in office. This type of corruption and pride is unprecedented in our Nations Capital. Sloppy, shallow, and narrow minded, and so far up the cheap ladder of success by taking from US Citizens. Clinton is confused with liberty and power; she sees no difference, when there is a great gulf of difference between the two. They hate our Constitution and most likely will not swear to keep it unless they can change it. She calls faithful men of honor, non Americans. The changing of America is a Global initiative of bringing Social Control on every individual, business and even our Government. Clout from these un-Constitutional businesses keep them in the loop. Bill Clinton is so good at reflecting the problems to someone else, like with the internet, he knows exactly what they are going to do to use the internet globally. Gores been on that for decades. When will the media finally catch on to this Alpha Wolfs speech of deception, so obvious to those who know the true nature of the wolf. You can not change these wolves into sheep when they say some half truth you dont even know which half is true, if one. The internet is gone, the insurance for our planes is gone, the money for Obama care website to Canada is gone, disappeared in thin air; all we have is a Company in Canada that wants to run our health insurance through the IRS, NSA, and the Global State Department, Homeland Security, CIA, business as usual right from the WH too. Its time for the media to publish the stories in an understandable form. Simple, concise, an in your face. What are you waiting on, another College to do the investigative reporting thats not playing the stock market. We need more of the facts from Congress and we cant be like little miss do nothing but trust; People are hurting and people deserve to know the truth. Look at that Murell, we have better than that in business everywhere. He is just a wolf picked by the wolf head to infiltrate our Government. America has went to pot since Clinton was in the WH and they got on the inside; they never left and have played US and the World like their own private lands. They are coming by mid-14 to take what they believe belongs to them, US. If you understand this completely, you will not hesitate to prove the alliances of all these wolves under the leadership of the Clintons. Look at Bill Clintons head, man he has got that head cocked on, it is scary looking, and what is he doing on the stage now, continuing his dynasty of destruction of our Constitutional Rights and the overthrow of our Government. You may think this is funny or off base, but it is right on the money and since the last Presidential election they have planned this. America needs to wise up about the big Government talk, its not our Government, its the wolves coming for our Government. They are not to be trusted one second.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:00:38 +0000

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