Invitation: Sept. 27th UNA Community Connection Night—Looking - TopicsExpress


Invitation: Sept. 27th UNA Community Connection Night—Looking Ahead: Planning and Preparing for University Hello Everyone, Happy Fall! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready to join UNA Community Connection Night again Would you like to know how to plan and prepare well for University Application? Join Christine Wessler, Head of University Counselling at St. Georges School, to gain an educator’s perspective on applying to universities. Community Connection Night, organized by the UNA Multicultural Committee Cost: $5 per family – Cash payment at the door Location: Meeting room 1&2 of the Old Barn Community Centre (Second Floor), 6308 Thunderbird Blvd. (Enough Free Parking at the weekend) Time: Sept. 27th, Sat. Night, 7:00pm – 9:00pm Registration is required. Please register via email: connectionnight@gmail Topic: Looking Ahead: Planning and Preparing for University Speakers: Christine Wessler Our guest speaker is Christine Wessler who is Head of University Counselling at St. Georges School. She is a passionate educator and teacher who has taught languages and film for the past twenty years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education from UBC, and a Masters of Education in Teaching and Learning from the University of Calgary. She has also worked as a university counsellor at St. Georges School for the past seven years and is very familiar with the post-secondary admissions and application process for American, Canadian and overseas universities. She is excited to be here tonight and hopes you will find her presentation informative and helpful. Sub Topics The university landscape in 2014- what are universities looking for? What are the realities in university admissions? How should you decide where to apply? The importance of fit over prize in the university search process Timelines for American and Canadian universities How to present yourself in the best light to universities- how to prepare The importance of the recommendation letter What kind of education matters? (majors, liberal arts etc.) Question and Answer Christine will put together a list of resources that your families might find helpful and she will photocopy these and bring them along to our Connection Night. As the space is limited, registration is required. Please contact connectionnight@gmail See you this Saturday Night! Sabrina Zhang Community Connection Night / UNA Multicultural Committee
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 17:56:07 +0000

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