Iran Press Review : Analysis by FDD : Senior Fellow Ali Alfoneh - TopicsExpress


Iran Press Review : Analysis by FDD : Senior Fellow Ali Alfoneh writes in a Policy Brief: “Sanctions relief, according to the White House and supporters of the current negotiating strategy with Iran, empowers the pragmatic and allegedly moderate camp in Tehran, which in turn paves the path for a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear crisis. President Hassan Rouhani, according to this line of reasoning, needed Western concessions to politically marginalize and economically weaken the hardline Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). However, recent reports depict a very different picture: The IRGC, rather than the pragmatist and allegedly moderate Rouhani cabinet, seems to be the main beneficiary of Iran sanctions relief.” Politics Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks at Tehran University in honor of the new academic year and says: “We have tried to create a calm atmosphere in universities, in addition to that, all groups can have their own political opinions, and for all to know that this is a university, it is not a political club, it is not a center for [political] parties, in addition to which any person can be present in political-social issues.” Commenting more broadly: “If we in our country have issues with respect to the environment, the government is not the only one with responsibility, our universities are responsible too, and we must come to the square if economic issues exist, the government is not solely responsible, but rather the university should enter and offer a solution.” “We live in a country that has a shortage of water and our agriculture is not mechanized and our irrigation is not scientific and the government is not solely responsible, we are all responsible. University is not just for a certificate that we pass units and take tests, university is to create responsible and involvement-seeking people.” Portions of Rouhani’s address were picked up the Associated Press as well. Ebrahim Asgharzadeh, a prominent reformist and one of the students who organized the storming and hostage taking of the American Embassy in Tehran in 1979 comments on reformism in Iran and reformist support to Rouhani: “The heads of reform do not have a proper understanding of society.” “I believe that reformists will not empty his [President Rouhani’s] government’s back. However, the support of reformists of Hassan Rouhani is conditional. It is clear that they will not continue to play the role of the loser, in a win-loss or loss-loss game.” Foreign Policy Former Iranian Foreign Minister and current head of Iran’s Center for Strategic Research, Dr. Ali-Akbar Velayati claims in a speech that: “We hope that the resistance that has commenced against DAESH (the Persian/Arabic acronym for the Islamic State) is serious and we do not have to witness such a movement in the region again.” “Those who seek [to have] Iran to step back from its issue must know that Iran has not and will not deviate from its fundamental issue.” “In the time that I was responsible for Iran’s Foreign Ministry I tried to grow the relations with France.” “In the countries of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the issues are followed closely and the security of these countries is very important for the region and for the world, and many areas of good cooperation can be defined in this case.” “We have helped Syria and Iraq so that they can resist against terrorism and DAESH, and we also support the security of Syria and Iraq.” Habibollah Sayyari, Commander of the Artesh’s [National Army] Navy exclaims: “Approximately one-third of the country’s borders are water, the most important of which are the cost of Makran.” “Our country from a geographical perspective is genuine and important because in all the geopolitical commentaries of the world, Iran has a sensitive role, and our influence on the region, specifically after the [Islamic] Revolution has become quite influential.” Kayhan reports comments by Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif with respect to regional developments and issues: “In order to solve the issue in Iraq and Syria in addition to military action, there is a need for a comprehensive strategy; the most dangerous game in the region is for countries to want to solve the issue of DAESH according to their short-term interests.” “In the coalition that has been formed against DAESH, there are countries which were in the coalition with America, but has assisted DAESH in selling oil.” “We must respect the opinions of the Syrian people; the solution to the crisis in Syria is paying attention to desires and will of the people.” Military and Security Fars News Agency provides a breakdown of rebuttal of the September 9, 2014 attack on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) outpost in Saravan named the “Quds Base.” The Quds base hosts ground-forces of the IRGC. Mohammad-Reza Pakpour, the IRGC Ground Forces Commander reportedly stated: “They had rammed a car which had 600 kilograms of explosive material tied to it into the wall of the outpost which created a tremendous explosion and the walls of the outpost collapsed, but after about 3 and a half hours of clashes they could not reach their goal.” “They had entered from Pakistan with 6 cars to capture the outpost.” “In this operation we lost [lit. gave] one martyr, and our people were able to save the outpost in this 3 and a half hour clash from sinking.” Ebrahim Karkhanehei, a member of the Iranian Parliament [Majlis] representing Hamadan said the following with respect to IS: “DAESH is created by America and Israel.” “If in confronting DAESH in Iraq pressure is brought to bear on this little group, the group will go to Syria, and if in Syria an action is taken against them, this little group will move towards Lebanon. If one coalition in the region is created in the region between countries afflicted by the DAESH conspiracy…at that time successful resistance will occur.” Mohammad-Saleh Jokar, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy in Iran’s Parliament notes that: “The substance of [Saudi] Arabia and countries that claim to be resisting DAESH is supporting terrorism, and they created DAESH themselves, and if their support of this little group is cut, its existence will go under question.” Jokar also commented on the symbolism of the flying of the DAESH flag on the day of Arfa during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Brigadier General Seyyed Masoud Jazayeri, the Deputy for Iran’s Armed Forces Chief of staff notes: “According to intelligence, news, and the collection of analyses we have in our possession, the creator, manager and logistics of DAESH and terrorists of the region are by way of [intelligence/security] services of foreigners, and at the head of it were the Americans.” “Definitely, people of the region and resistance will not allow America to offload and implement its plans and schemes.” “We must strive for world public opinion to recognize the absurd and Satan-like actions of America in the region.” Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan, the Commander of the Artesh’s Ground-Forces comments on Iran’s missiles: “Iran’s missile capabilities have no relation to other countries.” “Much like the officials of the Islamic Republic have proclaimed, Iran’s missile capabilities are not and will not be of the issues under research and assessment in the nuclear negotiations with the 5+1.” Fars News Agency reports: “Iranian Intelligence Minister Seyed Mahmoud Alavi said his forces have defused two bombing plots during the International Quds Day rallies in late July. Alavi said the Intelligence Ministry has stopped and neutralized two suicide bombers in two separate provinces on the International Quds Day (the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan) and it has also arrested 130 members of Takfiri terrorist groups.” Nuclear Issue The Secretary of the Iranian Parliament’s clerical faction, Hojjat al-Eslam val Moslemeen Seyyed Ali Taheri, notes that: “In this session which took place with other representatives, the issue of nuclear negotiations was discussed and researched and one of the analysts related his analysis to the members.” According to Taheri, the faction is slated to meet again to continue discussing this matter. Kayhan reports Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif’s comments with respect to Iran’s nuclear program and the current negotiations: “Depriving Iran of a nuclear program cannot be the way to solve this issue, because Iran has already attained knowledge and nuclear technology and the capabilities of our scientists do not have the ability to be limited.” “Countries negotiating with Iran must accept the realities of the Iranian nuclear issue, and the conditions are different from 10 years ago and the past cannot return.” Fars News Agency reports: “Iranian Presidents senior aide Ali Younesi said he is pessimistic about the attainment of a final nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers, although both sides are pursuing the talks seriously and with much enthusiasm.I am not optimistic so much, but the two sides are willing to reach results, Younesi said in an exclusive interview with FNA, adding that Americans even seem to be more interested than the other five world powers in achieving an agreement with Iran.” Economy Reuters reports: “Iran Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said on Tuesday that Opec has no plans to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the recent slide in oil prices, Iran’s oil ministry news agency Shana reported. Brent crude oil fell towards $92 a barrel on Tuesday, pushing towards 27-month lows as weak demand and ample supply outweighed the price support from a weaker dollar.” Human Rights Reuters reports: “An Iranian woman convicted of murdering an alleged rapist as a teenager is set to be hanged on Wednesday unless she wins forgiveness from the victims relatives, an Iranian news agency reported on Tuesday. Reyhaneh Jabbari, 26, was sentenced to death for stabbing dead a man seven years ago who she says tried to rape her. She has been detained since her arrest and repeated appeals have failed.” Fox News reports: “A British-Iranian woman held in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison for 100 days after she tried to attend a mens volleyball game has gone on a hunger strike. Law student Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, was visiting family and working for a charity organization in Iran when she was arrested for attempting to attend a men-only volleyball match last June, then imprisoned for three months before being charged with “propaganda against the regime.”” Daily Picture(s) Mashregh News carries a photo from the Iran-Iraq War era showcasing young students demonstrating behind a mock-portrait of “the American Saddam.” Fars News Agency displays photos from a rally in Qom by University Basij members in favor of the Velayat. Mashregh News highlights pro-DAESH graffiti in the United Arab Emirates.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:25:56 +0000

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