Iraq prepares to meet the global demand for oil and - TopicsExpress


Iraq prepares to meet the global demand for oil and gas 10-27-2013 BAGHDAD – Hussein ثغب Tamimi: concluded conference on Iraq’s second oil and gas to the importance of stepping Iraq, his proof to meet global demand by processing markets by raising output, according to the strategic plans drawn. went Conference towards the employment of scientific research to be complementary to the effort on the ground in the oil fields and activating local expertise and development to refineries world, as well as develop expertise young in parallel with the adoption of the results of scientific research in the development of the oil sector. Sabah met on the sidelines of the conference a number of stakeholders to clarify the importance of this conference, he said Oil Minister Abdul Karim and coffee in an interview (morning) that the goal of the ministry raise output Gradually, as we work to reach production to 3.5 million barrels / day period coming down to 8 million barrels per day, 2018, pointing out that the conference comes to integration efforts and field theory. He pointed out that efforts are continuing to cadres of the ministry and investment companies to develop the oil sector in all his joints, exploration and production, and distribution. Either the President of the advisers Thamer Ghadban said applaud held scientific conferences on topics of oil and gas, stressing the importance of scientific research in the development of the energy sector in terms of addressing the problems and then processors Field Scientific for the sector, pointing out that the drop-organizing scientific conferences specialized were the reasons for the last period and witnessed the events, and today returned organization of conferences, this second conference which deals with the affairs of the oil sector to be held by the Ministry of Oil, which would contribute to the development of competencies and field management. He added that research and development must contribute in fact an integrated study of the field of employment to economic aspects such as marketing and other important things that contribute to raising the country’s financial revenues. Stressing that these studies and research that are addressed in this conference and other conferences to Atsahm rapidly in the development of the oil sector, but to be in the form of construction of continuous driving to raise oil production, and this is an ongoing effort. Lama and Deputy Minister of Oil Fayyad good grace he has become to Iraq clear goals to contribute to the global economy, so it should walk seriously and solid steps for the processing of global markets, and this requires an extraordinary effort and record periods. He pointed out that work is underway to increase production in accordance with strategic plans set by the Ministry. Confirmed the existence of effort exploratory continued in most parts of Iraq, pointing out that the country has become owns a large fleet in the field of drilling and reclamation to contribute to increase production, and called for the development effort of research and development for the advancement of production . He pointed to the importance of holding international conferences to benefit from the experiences of other countries and reverse clear picture of the potential of local research and field. Electricity Minister Karim Aftan In a statement to the (morning) said that his ministry viewed with attention to such conferences because it is in the end in the service of the electricity sector which works integrative with the Oil Ministry, where electricity production depends on the extent provided by the Ministry of Oil of derivatives covering stations need electricity production.He said that we are blessed so conferences and follow what lead him by the results.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:06:14 +0000

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