Irish Traditional Music. Throughout history, music has been - TopicsExpress


Irish Traditional Music. Throughout history, music has been associated with Ireland. Its musical history dates back over 2,000 years. Indeed St Columcille (521-597 AD) one of the twelve apostles of Ireland described the clerics of Ireland as having the ability to sing like birds. Irish saints are well known by hymnologists for writing some of the earliest known hymns. Unlike most other European countries who have lost their native folk music, the traditional music of Ireland has become increasing popular. Traditional Irish music is extremely popular all over the world. The Irish are known worldwide for their love of music. The Tin Whistle, Flue, Fiddle, Accordion and the Bodhrán are familiar instruments played in Ceiliss and Irish Pubs all over the world. Irish children are still taught to play traditional instruments, their parents keen to carry on ancient Celtic traditions and favour traditional instruments to the more modern ones. The Harp. The harp is the national symbol of Ireland, the Celtic harp appears on Irish Currency and features in many Irish Mythology stories. The most famous harp was called Uaithne and belonged to the Dagda who was an important God in Irish Mythology. The Dagda was a protector of the people and legend tells us that his magical harp played itself! One of the most famous Irish harp players was Turlough OCarolan who was blind. Born in Ireland in the 18th century, he was famous for playing the Harp but was also a composer and a singer. He is commonly known as Irelands national composer. The harp is a multi-stringed instrument, the strings are made from a variety of materials including wire, silk, nylon or gut. The plane of the harps strings are positioned perpendicularly to its soundboard. Musically the harp is in the category of Chordophones (as are all stringed instruments) but it has its own sub category, Harps. All harps are made up of a neck, resonator and strings. Frame harps also have a pillar, Harps without a pillar are known as open harps. The harp can be played while held in the lap if it is small enough but more often the Harp stands on the floor and the harpist sits next to it on a small chair or stool to play the instrument.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:02:46 +0000

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