Is the world created by an Almighty? Many religions believe - TopicsExpress


Is the world created by an Almighty? Many religions believe that the world we live was created by a ‘Superior Being’. Most of them believe that the world and its living beings were also created by Gods of their respective worships. Whoever they may be, can anyone with some doubt ask the question as to who created this ‘Superior Being’, without getting in to a debate as to which came first Chicken or the Egg? If we presume some ‘Superior Being’ has created the world, then whoever he may be, has lot of explaining to do, because we are living in an imperfect world. 1. We know that about 72% of the earth’s surface is covered by salt water which is not even good enough to quench our thirst. Why didn’t he create more lands for the benefit of all the living beings instead of oceans? All the mighty oceans could have been replaced by sufficient number of rivers and lakes with fresh water. 2. Rest of the earth’s surface varies. North and South poles are too cold and are not suitable for human domicile, so with many other areas that are full of steep rocks, mountains and deserts. Is this a good creation for an Almighty? 3. Around the equator which is about 0.3% wider than the axis along the poles is very worm. Some countries experience four seasons, while others experience very pleasant climate throughout the year. Why the almighty did not create better conditions for everybody to live in good environment without facing the hazarders climatic changes and hardships. 4. What is the purpose of creating the bottom surface of the earth on plates? Every time the plates move or the slippage of the crust brings destruction by way of Earthquakes, floods Tsunamis & etc. These so called natural disasters kill thousands of innocent people. Why did he create such natural disasters? 5. Why did he make black people more significant than others? Blacks generally can sing really well, they can run faster, jump much higher and physically stronger (See the results of Olympic and other international sports). What was the necessity to bring distinction on human colour, some are white others are brown, black and yellow thus resulting disunity among people. Why human beings should speak so many languages. If the living beings were created along with the creation of the world, then everyone should be a child of the creator. So there cannot be any distinction amongst them. 6. If the living beings did not have a previous life and ‘The Almighty God’ created them for the first time to this world, then why did he create deaf, dumb, blind, cripple, disfigured and etc. and made them to suffer a permanent physical handicaps. If they were presumed created, then such victims of creations have to face a lifelong physical and psychological agony, an embarrassment due to no-fault of theirs’. This is a very serious charge that the creator has to explain. It is also a very fair question to ask whether is it the same God who created you and me have created people like Adolf Hitler, Harry Truman, Sadam Hussein, and many other rulers and tyrants who were responsible in mass genocides by destroying innocent human lives for their political survival? (In Buddhism there is an explanation for this, which is call “KARMA” on which I wish to write an article for a later issue) 7. It is said that all the destruction in the world such as hurricanes, cyclones, Tsunamis, earth-quacks, floods, droughts, crucifixion and wars are caused as a penalty for disobedience to God. The God supposed to have created Adam a very handsome man and Eve a beautiful woman; this couple while admiring at each other’s nudity may have been tempted and involved in the so called forbidden act, which was against the wishes of their creator. The world is supposed to be going through all these destructions as a punishment for enjoying that forbidden fruit. Then it is nothing but fair for the God to take full responsibility for giving them that temptation because he is the one who created them. “This Superior Being” or the creator should be a very loving, compassionate, kind-hearted, considerate and forgiving person. Not the kind of revengeful person to punish the whole world for his own mistakes. With the advancement of technology the geologists have established the age of the earth to be about 4.5 billion years. This was established by measuring the radio-activity of rocks. The scientists have proved that the earth was formed by the aggregation of materials due to their gravitational attraction. Heat thus generated by the impact (Big Bang) melted the materials. The lighter substances erupted over and above the more dense materials. The materials of the earth are arranged in layers according to density. The air with the lowest density formed the outer layer while central core has the highest density. Buddhism does not believe in creation. The bondage and its link with the nature disassociate Buddhism with the creation. Buddhism is a true philosophy complete with an application of practice, a way of life to conquer the suffering through mindfulness and achieve fulfilment in life. (Nirvana) Please Note: The ideas expressed by me are my beliefs. I have no intention what so ever to disrespect any religion or faith. I regret very much if I have unintentionally hurt the feelings of anyone. This is the freedom of expression. While I respect your beliefs, I do not wish to get in to any debate or argument with anyone. Thanks for your understanding. Ananda J. de Silva, Cloyne, Ontario. 613 336 1519. anandajdesilva2000 May 22nd 2011. Protected by ‘AYDBER’ Cultural myths and scientific theories normally do not blend; cultural myths may be inherited through religious beliefs. These beliefs can be based upon blind faith, whereas scientific theories are based on facts. Creation is a myth because there is no evidence. The Big Bang Theory is a theory (in science, a fact) because there is overwhelming evidence supporting it.)
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 23:02:07 +0000

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