Is there any value in observing one minute’s silence for the - TopicsExpress


Is there any value in observing one minute’s silence for the dead at public functions? One will only hope that the fact has been well noted by all that in reality no body dies. Deathis only a cross-over from one state of existence, the physical state, to another state of existence, in one’s soul and spiritual bodies. If therefore people gather and bow heads in heartfelt prayers for the souls of the departed, that could bring some good to the souls concerned. Prayer could really be very helpful to a departing or departed soul, provided that it is the right prayer, and the soul in question is open and able to absorb or connect with the power flowing through the channel of that prayer. Why must the prayer be the right one? Often times, as experiences have shown, many believe they can impose their personal will upon the Will of God Almighty through their prayers and petitions. Many employ selfish and sentimental ploys with the hope of instantly changing the circumstances of the departed soul, in a manner to suit their own preferences. For instance, you would hear prayers said for the admittance of the departed soul among the saints of heaven; and for it to be crowned with divine victory and admittance into Paradise. Such prayers as these are the wrong prayers to say for the dead or departed souls. The right prayers would recognise that the Creator does not act in arbitrary manners, and would not therefore allocate what one does not deserve to the person simply because the departed soul’s relatives and friends prayed for such. Every grace or benefit comes through the activities of the just Laws of Creation. A right prayer, whethersaid in a minute or not, would simply implorefor strength and awakening to be granted the departed soul. It will also be helpful to thedeparted soul if the atmosphere of that prayer is such that would help it come to the recognition that it has departed physical existence, and ought to awaken in the beyond to continue in joyful experiencing of creation. Observance of a minute’s silence which is carried out in a careless manner, simply to fulfil all outward customs and observances would therefore not bring any spiritual benefits to the departed soul. It will actually make a mockery of prayer itself, and become a time-wasting exercise for the participants. The explanation given in this article is based on the author’s understanding of the Work “In The Light of Truth”, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 05:55:49 +0000

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