Isaiah update: We continue to be very concerned for Isaiah and - TopicsExpress


Isaiah update: We continue to be very concerned for Isaiah and his health and wellbeing. Isaiah remains in the hospital in a great deal of pain in Chicago . He continues to have painful involuntary movements to the limb lasting hours at time. Still very poorly controlled 19 days now . On Isaiahs other leg (the one thats not amputated) he has this white chunky ankle security device that is used for people who are on house arrest. Isaiah is asking why? He was told by staff they put that on all their patients at Comers childrens Hospital in Chicago. Isaiahs 17 years old, hes not 7 and hes very intelligent and he doesnt believe that even for a second. He continues to be isolated. No visitors allowed. No mom, no family, no friends, no pastoral care only Grandma is there and thats it. They couldnt have this control in Kansas City or the hospital he really needs to be who has said they can help him ! Yes , Isaiah was denied pastoral care today by IL DCFS. All of these orders are from IL DCFS . They indicated that the state could send their own chaplain. Isaiah has been in the hospital now 19 days , IN PAIN. He was taken against his will 48 hours ago by ambulance 500 miles away from his home to a state he never wanted to step foot in. He wants to see those he loves and those that love him. They are telling him no one is allowed to see him. They are treating him like a terrorist!!! A prisoner... Even prisoners get visitors...As if he has done something wrong!?? You think this doesnt add to his stress IL??? What kind of Inhumane operation do you have going on here?? Hes in the HOSPITAL. It has been proven that people in general, healthy people need love and support and to be around people . It has been proven that lack of those necessities can be very detrimental to ones health . It has also been proven that people who are in pain also need love and people and support and they need even more of it . It has been proven to be healing...So now in addition to his physical suffering you are causing him Unwarranted emotional suffering . It is also true that Isaiah loves his mother very much and right now he needs her too. So why IL? We want to know why ?? We know you are reading this? Why are you doing this to Isaiah ? Hes in the hospital, thats when people need their family and friends and loved ones, their pastors the very most. During times of sickness and pain. Why are you doing this to Isaiah Rider? Is there something you dont want the public to know ? Is there something you are trying to hide. Why are you threatening to take everyone he loves from him ? Why are you threatening to keep him in Chicago where terrible things happened to him? The very place you ripped him from his mother and family while you held him as a prisoner for 5.5 months? Throwing him into a strangers home in a bad unsafe area right after you medically kidnapped him. All done in collusion with Ann and Robert H. Luries hospital. This horrible nightmare first began 8 months ago Isaiah was taken in the ICU because his mom wanted help for him, just like she does now. Isaiah was in the very same same medical crisis he is in now only in march it was triggered in the surgery performed at Luries. Newsflash: Isaiah has a real medical condition and he needs real medical help. BTW State of IL you are not helping him . You are failing Isaiah Rider. You are causing him harm. He needs to get appropriate medical care and you KNOW there is a hospital who has said they can help him. Yet you take him to Chicago to make him your prisoner? Thats blatantly obvious . You are destroying this young man. He doesnt deserve this . Are you doing this to try to get back at his mother for exposing you ?? Are you punishing an innocent human being who has done no wrong? You guys are sick and BTW we saw the articles that recently came out in the tribune . Please know that many are watching and documenting what you are doing to Isaiah Rider and this is not okay. We will continue to expose your ill ways and we will be Isaiahs voice!!! Friends we realize this is hard to believe its disgusting , its horrendous, its unbelievable. This is happening in the United States of America and Isaiah needs our help.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:07:27 +0000

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