Islam, I have added on to this demonstration.. now, the - TopicsExpress


Islam, I have added on to this demonstration.. now, the luciferians will have you believeing that lucifer means, or is referring to, the Bright Morning Star, or even the dog star Sirius, but the truth is Lucifer being the False Light, represents soemthing that glows in the dark, and this is a reference to being luciferous (a luciferian), from the Definition of LUCIFEROUS : bringing light or insight : illuminating Origin of LUCIFEROUS Latin lucifer First Known Use: 1648, see how the Illuminati named themselves not after real light, but after being luciferous (full of lucifer)??? they know calling themsleves the illuminated (illuminati = who your schools alumni are really named after) ties them into the term Bioluminescence (supposed to be a reference to being living lights, or as the book of john says, the light that is the life of all men), as they are alive (bio-), but the truth is there is a chemicals for biolumunscence called luciferin and luciferase, which causes the glow in the dark (G) from a chemical reaction in the skin of animals/beasts. and this is why the really called the babylonian ruler in daniel as lucifer, even though, the word there is halal and means Moon, because the moon artifically glows in the dark at night, because it does not have its onw light. it does not radiate from within, it only reflects from its surface, while internally it is still in complete darkness. and thats a big difference, for example, the sun is FILLED WITH LIGHT from its core to its surface. and thats why they really call lucifer (theri god) as the morning star and not the sun (which is the day star), because they are referring to the point in the morning before the sun actually comes out. this is the very nature of the war between the anti-christ and the christ in revelations if you but knew. if you will also pay careful attention, morning star and other terms dont have the word LIGHT in them, anbd lucifer from LUX does??? this is important, in fact, the real light called lucifer is firstly shown to us because LUCIFER is a COMPOUND WORD of LUX (light) and OPHER, and it represents another COMPOUND WORD with LUX (light) having an addition to it, this word is shown in luke (one of the false lights of lux/lucifer, Genesis 3:15); 10:17-19; 17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. 18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as LIGHTNING fall from heaven. 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. now LUX-OPHER and LIGHT-NING are almost identical when you look at them right??? and lightning (light-ning, short for en+light+en+ing) is a light; LIGHTNING (really enlightening) Middle English, gerund of lightnen, to illuminate, from lighten, from Old English lhtan; see leuk- in Indo-European roots... and 10:18 lets us know why he is really called lucifer (light bearer). this is the same star in the East that the women of the Order of the Eastern Star claim to have seen (beheld). connecting further with Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Mark 13:25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. notice that whent eh stars fall, the earth shakes, and what do we see about lucifer in Isaiah 14:10-21: 10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? 11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? 18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. 20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned. 21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. notice it speaks of him being cut down to his grave, like the symbol fremasons use all of the time for themselves and hiram abiff, and then being cast out of his grave like the branch, like the accacia found at hiram abiffs grave/burial site, which they have now raised out of the grave. notice in 14:16, it talks about the shaking??? this is who the lucferians really are his chidlren (14:21), just like the children of a mongol is mongol-ian, the children of lucifer (illuminated) are lucifer-ian (illuminati). in seeking more light, these widows sons are seeking their father (lucifer = symbolized as more light). look at this ETYMOLOGY, the word WIDOW originally meant an UNMARRIED MAN; WIDOW: Old English widewe, widuwe, from Proto-Germanic *widewo (cf. Old Saxon widowa, Old Frisian widwe, Middle Dutch, Dutch weduwe, Dutch weeuw, Old High German wituwa, German Witwe, Gothic widuwo), from PIE adj. *widhewo (cf. Sanskrit vidhuh lonely, solitary, vidhava widow; Avestan vithava, Latin vidua, Old Church Slavonic vidova, Russian vdova, Old Irish fedb, Welsh guedeu widow; Persian beva, Greek EITHEOS UNMARRIED MAN; Latin viduus bereft, void), from root *weidh- to separate (cf. second element in Latin di-videre to divide; see with). As a prefix to a name, attested from 1570s. Meaning short line of type (especially at the top of a column) is 1904 print shop slang. Widows mite is from Mark xii:43. Widows peak is from the belief that hair growing to a point on the forehead is an omen of early widowhood, suggestive of the peak of a widows hood. Widow maker anything lethally dangerous first recorded 1945, originally among loggers, in reference to dead trees, etc. The widow bird (1747) so-called in reference to the long black tail feathers of the males, suggestive of widows veils. a MAN that has been DIVIDED or SEPARATED FROM HEAVEN or more truly, from GOD (ALLAH, swt), which is waht SHAYTAAN means right, from SHATANA to GO FAR FROM, BE FAR FROM, etc. his FALL (DEBASING) was a DIVIDING/DISCORD from ALMIGHTY GOD ALLAH (swt). now go back to the KEYS, and you will have a better understanding of why some of ADAMS DESCENDANTS who have ACCEPTED they cast OUT/DOWN/AWAY teachings, are called LUCIFER by the RIGHTEOUS, and also by THEMSELVES. now, for those actually reading this demonstration, go back and re-read where it says The Sun (which is the day star), that is what it says right??? Yes. make sure you understand that, because they are not what they claim to be. I said the false light is being called the morning star by the luciferians to trick you, not that the false light is the morning star, the false light is that fallen star, which fell in the time of mourning (aka time of the fall of lucifer from heaven like lightning, and lightning is seen/beheld physically), the devil fell during the mourning (a play on the word morning), Balasa also means to mourn, and Ibliys (a-balasa = the mourning of a thing, mourner). the real morning star is an actual star or light that has risen before the sun does, which is usually when you see the real star called sirius. But as I am telling you, in their case its not really a rising star like sirius it is the fallen star (fallen angel) of lucifer, the devils are very clever in their trickery, (tricknollege as it is called by some), but they are only putting forth illusions (smoke and mirror routines). it is also no coincidence that the FIRST PRAYER OF A DAY perormed by the MOSLEMS to GIVE PRAISE TO ALLAH (swt) is SALATU AL-FAJR (MORNING SALAT), as WE PRAISE ALLAH FOR THE FALL OF LUCIFER (IBLIYS, AL-SHAYTAAN, DAJJAL)... Unfortunately, those who have no knowledge of any of this always, or have full knowledge of it but worship the image (signs and symbols) of the beast, want to come and prove me wrong due to their negative ignorance, egoes, attitudes and emotions. Like the ones who work hard to defend the very devils who are striving by night and by day to remove them, their present people, and their descendants off of the planet. See how they hold up lucifer??? Even though the Prophet (asa) told us lucifer is a name for the lower-self made manifest. And then they tell lies like its really lux-cipher, whch they say means light circle (aka circle of light), in order to validate their anti-divine teachings, even though every dictionary on earth will tell them circle is not the word cipher, from the arabic word sifr, which is actually used for zero, not circle. So lux-cipher would really mean zero light, which explains why the luciferians like these ones are always seeking more light (the True Light Of Allah coming from the New Moors), as they have none (zero) of their own, lol. And they say things like the mind is negative or positive, and yet, if the body follows the mind, then the words and deeds that come from a negative mind will be negative also, and negative people are called what in our lessons??? The lower-self made manifest, and they are called by what names??? Lucifer, satan, devil, dragon, and beast. And those who worship their lower-selves in all of its different manifestations are called what??? Luciferians, Satans, Devils, Dragons and Beasts. and the evil spirit (whether in or out of human flesh), and the head of the luciferians is called what??? Lucifer himself. And now, let us ask ourselves, are there whole societies dedicated to their love for LSDDB??? Yes. One group is called freemasons, who also call themselves the children of the father of all illuminations (illuminati), as the enemies of the children of the True Sun. This is their teachings about themselves, I am just telling you about it. you can make believe that because you watched soem video on youtube that now your so smart, but these people have been following and building on this stuff for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, how do you think the name LUCIFER got into the bible in the first place??? LUCIFER IS NOT A HEBREW WORD. the first step of thinking is asking questions, so you better start thinking on some serious questions, and when you start questioning they will always reveal themselves, their arrogance demands it, but you will know who they are because the angels of Allah (swt) never hold up satan or satanism. and while I am on the subject, remember that just like there are Allahs angels (michael and his angels) there are shaytans angels (dragon and his angels). Thats why they are called the shayatiyn (satans), because they work for shaytan (satan), or do you believe that the Quran is mistaken??? Hmmmm. The modern english word being used for shayatiyn (satans) is what??? Luciferians (lucifer+ian+s). Lucifer has never been used as a name for the sun, especially not by us (moslems), but it is their job to build up your confidence in their false teachings (aka to make evil fair seeming), for example, it was John (not me) who spoke of the True Light, when speaking about Jesus (asa), so if Al-Masih (The Messiah or Christ in modern english) is the True Light, then what is Al-Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) is what??? The false light, right??? Right, as you cannot distinguish true without something that is false. Now dajjal actually means liar, conman, cheater, tricker, etc., from dajala to lie, cheat, trick, etc., thats why in revelations the dragon is said to have deceived the whole world, how??? He made them think he was Al-Masih (the true light), and his trick worked until the real al-masih showed up, and revealed (radiated) the light, while all he can do is bear (reflect) it. This fact is Another reason the illuminated (accepted the teachings of the luciferians) call the people at the bottom as torch bearers, because the torch is not the fire, the torch bearer is not the torch, the torch bearer does not reveals the light, he just carries it around like a beast of burden. When the initiated becomes ignited or catches fire too, then someone else bears him, until he is all burnt out. Thats how evil spirits work, like leeches, bleeding the people dry. Its also called opression, repression, suppression, depression and apression. this depression or oppression as I have shown in the past is exactly what ibliys means in Arabic, from balasa (desperate, depressed, fallen countenance like cain when he killed abel). And these evil spirits (evil minded) spend all of their time trying to turn you into another luciferian too, aka another torch (fuel for the fire). The folly says cipher means circle in latin,... lol. It does not, circle is kuklos in greek, and kirkos in latin. cipher comes from Ciphre in french, cifra in italian, sifr in arabic, which is from the root safara, which means empty, nothing, etc. Later because of the shape of the arabic sifr (zero = nothingness), Moslems in America started calling their circles as ciphers, and thats what you will get in many ciphers, zero light, to remain unlit, unless its the false light (pseudolux). these tares (which is originally from arabic taraha, meaning that which is used for waste, garbage, that which is rejected or thrown away), are also known as demons, from daemon, from daeimonion from the root daei+minion, which means divided, torn apart, separated. The very nature of these daemons (demons), is to tear apart, or as we call in our science (signs) to cause discord. like the discord in the garden. The word luciferian in this way is equivelant to demons, because both are connected to satans, from shayatiyn, which comes from the arabic word shatana which means to take far away, go far away, etc. They take you far away from siratu al-mustaqiym, and far away from the garden, and far away from Allah (swt), the devils/demons that they are. The purpose of the False Light has one real duty, to take you far away from the True Light. This is why the evil spirited were trying every weak mind, and there is no mind as weak as an ignorant (unknowing) mind, except for one filled to the brim with falsehood, but thinks its filled with truth. Do not be sluggish of will or slow of mind, inhale the Holy Breath, and exhale the Whole Divine Truth. Indeed!!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 05:02:44 +0000

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