Islam, I have seen a multitude of people MISUSE the next quote, - TopicsExpress


Islam, I have seen a multitude of people MISUSE the next quote, and I mean I have heard them say everything BUT what it actually says, so let me quote it first and foremost; From THINK THIS OVER YOU MOORS “No head of any said Temple is to borrow from any member more than five to ten dollars unless by notification of the Prophet, the necessity for the loan. When any said Temple desires to purchase property they must first notify the Grand Body or the Prophet and it must be purchased under the name of the Moorish Science Temple of America or Noble Drew Ali. An individual name should never be applied. I, Noble Drew Ali, am responsible for all finance, so therefore let I, the Prophet, know what is on me.” When BUYING PROPERTY do it in the name of the TEMPLE or the PROPHET, it does not say ANY BUSINESS YOU WILL EVER DO, it says PURCHASE PROPERTY. And this means PROPERTY FOR THE TEMPLE, a building, or a lot, or a bus, or whatever. Do NOT buy any PROPERTY FOR THE TEMPLE in your own personal name, because it is NOT FOR YOU, it is FOR THE TEMPLE. And yet I have seen ones trying to ENSLAVE YOU say it says things like NO INDIVIDUAL IS TO DO ANY BUSINESS IN THEIR OWN NAMES ONLY IN THE NAME OF THE MSTA OR THE PROPHET. Some have even suggested that the BODIES of the MEMBERS are now PROPERTY OWNED BY THE TEMPLE??? That is insanity, no HUMAN BEING is PROPERTY (whether its real, intellectual, etc.), that idea is legally and lawfully called “SLAVERY”. As is the idea that by becoming a MEMBER that all of your PRIVATE PROPERTY is now the PROPERTY of the MSTA. Even though the PROPHET asked all to give what they could from THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS. If it was the PROPERTY of the MSTA, they would not have had BANK ACCOUNTS, only the TEMPLE would. Do not let anyone ENSLAVE YOU with their false ideas. There is also the quote from THE PROPHET HAS SPOKEN “No finance business is to be opened with any group of members of any Temple, by the Governor or Grand Sheik or whosoever in charge without the consultation of I, the Prophet. All uplifting funds, books, are to be issued only through I, the Prophet, because that money is to finance the Moorish Movement.” NO FINANCE BUSINESS should be done without the PROPHETS CONSULTATION, but this is not speaking about your own personal bank account and budgeting, it is speaking about no FINANCIAL BUSINESS the members will go into in the NAME OF THE TEMPLE like a MOORISH LAUNDROMAT or MOORISH BAKERY, or whatever. We did all TEMPLE (MOORISH) business in the name of the MSTA or the prophet himself, because it was a TEMPLE BUSINESS. Your own PERSONAL BUSINESS was your own personal business outside of the temple, whether you are a member or not. It is from SLAVERY that you are STRIPPED down of everything you possess, and this is not a SLAVE MAKING INSTITUTION. Do not let anyone make you a SLAVE, not financially, not physically, not symbolically, not religiously, etc. I know and understand full well the importance of our STRUCTURE and everyone SUPPORTING ITS SUCCESS 100%, but that is NOT the same thing as you becoming PROPERTY, or you having NO PROPERTY, etc. now, if you just chose to give (donate) all of your PROPERTY to the TEMPLE, of your own free will, that is your choice, and I say PRAISE ALLAH!!! But it is not MANDITORY, it is not AUTOMATIC, we do not CONFISCATE what is YOURS. And you are not a TABLE or CHAIR. There is a big difference between WILLINGLY doing certain things, and being FORCED to do them. So let us always be clear of these things. Even if you MORALLY feel that MEMBERSHIP means giving 100% of yourself and all you have, you still ARE NOT property. As MORALITY is still a PERSONAL DECISION. And PROPERTY has NO CHOICE (DECISION MAKING POWER). And I have looked over my records three times looking for where it says the AMERICAN CITIZENS who are MEMBERS of the MSTA are PROPERTY, and can not own any PRIVTA EPROPERTY of their own, and must do ALL BUSINESS THRU THE TEMPLE ALONE, and I still have not found it. Maybe someone can come and show me those actual words written in there somewhere???
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 10:10:12 +0000

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